Photo from open sources
If you turn to the insider site Above Top, then the most significant “space event” of recent days is highlighted here news about the fantastic actions of no less mysterious objects near our sun.
This strange activity of apparently man-made aircraft, which do not just fly around the Sun, but also let the rays of a friend in a friend, so shocking that some conspiracy theorists and ufologists seriously suggested that in space there is a small war between representatives of various civilizations.
That’s just the war for what, and how all this will affect our lives civilization on earth?
Here’s how a famous American astronomer comments on this event. Geoffrey William Marcy (Jeffrey Marcy), who, being a professor University of California at one time opened 70 of the first 100 Exoplanets discovered in the Universe:
Around us, space life is boiling, grandiose events of which we know absolutely nothing. we like blind-eyed kittens on whom the powers that be are still clothed and leashes, so that we could not even come close to this knowledge. For example, employees of the Green Bank Observatory, who have excellent telescope, pass me: near the Sun July 9 registered amazing activity of objects of obviously artificial origin. But the general public is unlikely to find out about this …
We invite you to watch a video about this landmark event, which ufologists posted on the network based on images of SOHO LASCO C2. What happens near our sun, no one knows. But several independent researchers tend to believe that there is real space war, and therefore even such a thing as “our Sun”, against the backdrop of all this sounds somehow unconvincing …
See and judge for yourself. Skeptics, for example, may well say that conspiracy theorists again make an elephant out of a fly. And who knows perhaps they will be ultimately right …
War Life Sun