Space debris begins to pose for Russian danger

Space debris begins to pose a danger to RussiaA photo from open sources

In 1957, the Soviet Sputnik-1 was launched into space, and since since mankind has a tradition that we regularly follow to this day. Despite the fact that the device returned to the earth atmosphere, many details of its launch vehicle remained in orbit, turning into the first space debris. Near Earth two hundred debris, half of which burns out in the atmosphere, and the second half replenishes the space dump waste.

According to forecasts of domestic experts, through fifty to sixty years space exploration for the Russian Federation (and for states too) will become extremely difficult. Space debris encircling our planet with a dense ring will be obstruct the flight of ships. In addition, if in the coming years space waste control will not be brought to fundamentally a new level, then clogging the near-Earth space is not only will lead to difficulties in Russian space activities, but will also begin to affect other aspects of our states, including pose a threat to national security of the Russian Federation. According to experts, it is necessary to modernize the global space industry to education new space debris was prevented.

Nowadays, the remnants of satellites are relevant a problem for space powers. Collision with space debris often (since protection against it is also very primitive – evasion or display of shields) leads to failure working satellites, so in near-Earth space new debris forms. As a last resort, a large space garbage can get into the atmosphere and, not having time to burn out due to friction with air, fall to the ground, leading to fires, destruction and death of people.


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