Space epic of the last century of Zambia

The space epic of the last century of ZambiaPhotos from open sources of

Even today, there are not many countries in the world that have their own space programs and plan, in particular, to conquer the moon in soon – on the fingers you can count. Join on the surface of the Selena and today for any country – the greatest world achievement. The fact is that the USA with their invented moon odyssey no one takes seriously, because there are no weighty evidence that the Americans were on the satellite. Yes, they themselves already increasingly recognize this.

The flight to the moon was needed by the USA in the form of prestige, since after Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space, the Yankees suddenly felt that their the authority of a superpower is greatly undermined. No wonder the president John Kennedy immediately proclaimed a nationwide launch program man to the moon.

A photo from open sources

As many analysts agree today, she was grandiose, but, in fact, no less adventurous than the Zambian space program – the same sixties of the last century. This little the African Republic (which few people know about) entered then space race along with the USSR and the USA.

A photo from open sources

Of course, the great cosmic powers did not take seriously of this competitor, since in Zambia it all seemed like some kind of show – and nothing more. For example, the ideological leader and the organizer of this program here was not a scientist, but an explicit the adventurer Edward Nkoloso, who can only be compared with Russian Ostap Bender, but in no case with Sergey The royal. And to launch rockets this Zambian father astronautics “immediately ambitiously decided on the moon and Mars. True, missiles, as such, he did not have, as well as real training astronauts who were only rolled in iron barrels and rocked on a swing in the form of training. But the first afronaut was defined – a girl of seventeen Mata Mwambwa.

A photo from open sources

Edward Nkoloso even appealed to the UN and European sponsors for material and scientific help, but not on either side I did not receive support. Moreover, the first president of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, in some way supporting the Zambian space dreamer, also refused to demonstrate Independence Day of the republic formal launch of the D-Kalu 1 rocket.

A photo from open sources

Edward Nkoloso himself considered all this the machinations of competitors on space race, in particular the USA, which supposedly not only blocked him financial flows, but also deprived, ultimately, Afronauts, because Mata Mwambwa suddenly became pregnant – and her parents urgently took her to the village. So ended the space epic little african republic.

But if you think about it, the fiasco ended in almost the same way. lunar epic of the USA. So why is the United States still considered the first conqueror of the moon, and even denied Zambia in the fact that she participated in the last century in space race? ..

USA Rocket Moon

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