Space wanderers

Space WanderersPhoto from open sources

This documentary is not about space alien conquerors, not about evil astronauts from distant galaxies, but about the wanderers more terrible for our solar system boundless Cosmos – black holes.

In 2010, NASA astronomers noticed approaching Earth so called Dick’s acid cloud, which was a product of black holes and flew in space, absorbing everything in its path. It was supposed to reach our planet in 2014 year. But as they say, God was merciful. Now american scientists sound the alarm about the merger of two supermassive black holes, which are gradually approaching our solar system. Even if this “space monster” passes nearby, then by its attraction can capture the sun or, conversely, throw our Earth out of it orbits into outer space, not to mention other shocks, which are equivalent for us to the end of the world.

But, it turns out, besides all these global black monsters in the so-called microscopic blacks constantly wander in space holes. The size of some of them does not exceed an atom, but the mass just awesome. Penetrating our earth, such microscopic holes they don’t really harm her, but they can cause powerful earthquakes, create various anomalous phenomena and zones, like, say, one that exists around Lake Baikal.

Scientists believe that our Earth is literally stuffed with these space wanderers – microscopic black holes, the manifestation of which we sometimes see in the form of ball lightning. Not by chance the nature of this phenomenon has not yet been studied and understood.

How is it not understood by us and where our sun takes colossal energy grasping for him to shine without losing his potential billions of years. Today, scientists tend to believe that our luminary also exposed to numerous microscopic black attacks holes that thus “warm up” the Sun and add to it energy.

Here about this and many other things that these small and the same time, such powerful space wanderers, and see the new Documentary project from the Strange Case series.

Sun Solar System Black Hole

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