Spacepack – Russian mega development

Spacepack - Russian megarazrabotkaA photo from open sources

State Central Research Institute of Engineering (TsNIImash, under Roscosmos) in 2 years plans to release a series of new lungs space jetpacks for astronauts. Such satchels provide safe work in outer space and help the astronaut return to the station in an emergency. This was reported by one from backpack developers – cosmonaut academician of the Russian Academy astronautics Mikhail Burdaev.

A photo from open sources

The satchel will be attached to the spacesuit, a key feature of the satchel is solar panels which, if necessary turn around. The batteries will recharge the battery from which depends on the operation of an electric jet engine.

A photo from open sources

MIPT researcher Ivan Zavyalov explained that the usual a jet engine burns fuel and the speed of natural the gas outlet through the jet nozzle is very limited, and electro-jet engine ionizes gas and charged ions accelerate with an electric field – as a result, the gas exit speed is 10 and more times higher than a chemical engine. Therefore, such engines consume much less fuel. In Russia there are two production sites engaged in the creation of electro-creative engines – OKB “Fakel” from Kaliningrad and OJSC “KB Himavtomatiki” from Voronezh.

In addition, the novelty of the invention of Burdaev and his colleagues from TsNIImash is in additional engines that will fasten in front of the spacesuit and serve as a brake – the astronaut needs safe meeting with the ship when it flies back, usually at high speed. It is assumed that the weight of the space satchel there will be no more than 10 kg.

– Ideas of space knapsacks for movement in free space have long been, even among science fiction writers. One of the first samples the Americans had a rocket gun that they had with by myself. This is a small jet engine resembling a ladies’ hair dryer. In fact, you can also fly a hairdryer, though not in the open space, and inside the station. For example, cosmonaut Yuri Artyukhin inside station flew on a household vacuum cleaner, – says Burdaev.

Man first went into outer space 50 years ago. 18th of March 1965 astronaut Alexei Leonov did this on a ship “Sunrise 2”. Currently, Russian and American astronauts to clutch with the station use halyards (cables) with carbines, which are attached to the station building. The halyards alternately cling to structural elements and are fixed, which does not allow astronauts fly into space.

– Issues of installation of equipment on the outer surface of the station, although they are considered and designed in advance, but still require human involvement. While we do not have perfect machines and robots that can replace human labor in outer space, there is also a need for equipment repair. For example, in In 1979, cosmonauts Vladimir Lyakhov and Valery Ryumin went to open space in an unplanned mode and unfastened the antenna KRT-10, which, when separated from the station, went wrong, hooked for the neighboring device and interfered with the flight of the ship. In a similar situation the robot will not help, ”says the astronaut Burdaev.

– Much depends on the size of the safe removal of the astronaut from station. In this case, we mean such a distance from the station, in which the satchel provides a return. After all, everyone devices have a limit of possibilities. Solar energy can move the astronaut – depending on the size of the solar batteries – at 50-100 m. And then it will end like gasoline. The Americans managed to go offshore for several tens of meters. They manage to remove from spent their resource satellites the most valuable parts and mount them on new launches satellites. That is, the satellite leaves the Earth not in a set, but only partially.

A photo from open sources

Currently, the enterprise “Star” (developing spacesuits) an astronaut rescue unit (USK) was created, which provides an opportunity to return to the International Space station, but it is not currently in use. Her weight 55 kg, it does not have a braking device and is absent recharge from the sun.

– In the 1980s, these facilities had other tasks. Soviet and American experts were busy developing tools the movement of astronauts (SPK) in outer space. Soviet The 400-pound invention in everyday life is called “motorcycle”, it resembles a chair with handles, also there is a satchel that attaches to the spacesuit, and located behind gas cylinders and engines. This tool allowed to fly away from station or from the shuttle, capture or inspect any satellite and go back. Either empty or with a satellite. The Soviet device was used only once, for verification, in 1990 year. Now the challenge is security. If the person has come off, it needs to be returned, – the deputy tells Chief Designer of OAO NPP Zvezda Alexander Lazutkin. – The next generation of devices was the American SAFER – Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue, literally “lightweight rescue device astronaut in outer space, “released in 1994. This smaller installation, Americans put it on their day off spacesuit before going out. The device is a small gas supply frame. In the event of an astronaut’s separation from her station you can always start and go back.

But since no one had ever come off the station, SAFER never once the appointment was not used, Burdaev says, although he is worn for spacewalk. He emphasized that the new development incorporates the best of American and Russian experience.

– The probability of separation from the station is high, however, cases when the astronaut disengaged and flew into outer space, in history no astronautics. There were cases when a person lost in absent-mindedness a tool bag or other things and they flew away, – says Burdaev. – Fuel in the satchel, as a rule, is a little. But if you need to guarantee the return from a greater distance than 100 m, then will have to increase the amount of fuel in the project. If a person has flown in the sunny shadow, he will freeze. The temperature in space reaches minus 70 degrees and below, and in the shadow – minus 150 degrees. In the shade you can climb, but not for long. The first Soviet stations regularly turned in relation to the sun one side, then the other, so how they bent, because when the sun heats one side, another cools – the station, like a caterpillar, wriggled.

Chief Specialist of the Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, cosmonaut Yuri Usachev supports the development of new tools for moving in space.

– Such devices are needed by astronauts. Security today Russian astronauts provide only halyards and carbines, – said Usachev.

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