Spirits travel on comets and meteorites

The question of the connection of meteorites and comets with the subtle world is still controversial in many ways. People speak with confidence about such a connection. beliefs and myths. It’s as if some cases found in the files of ufologists and researchers of abnormal phenomena. But the explanation for the phenomenon so far is given only by the occultists. ABOUT the influence of stars and comets on the invisible world of spirits was written back in antiquities. We did not doubt such influence in the Middle Ages. The appearance of comets in the sky was clearly interpreted as a forerunner misfortunes. According to popular belief, comets are not only brought epidemics and wars, but also sent demons to people. Long it is noted that during periods of the appearance of comets more often than usual ghosts, spirits are activated in seances, the number of cases of telepathic communication and receiving prophecies, all kinds of mental disorders are amplified, including somnambulism and hallucinations. Spirits travel on comets and meteoritesPhotos from open sources Not only comets affect the world of spirits, but also meteor showers through which from time to time passes Land. With such passage to the surface of the planet dozens meteorites. Most of them burn out in the atmosphere, but some fly to the ground. According to popular beliefs, many places have a place, where the shooting star fell, acquires unusual properties, more often than a negative plan. In such places, people meet ghosts, ball lightning, angels, demons, hear voices, etc. Known for at least two Russian certificates (related to pre-revolutionary times) when starfalls or individual falling stars caused a massive appearance of ghosts. In the village of Kotlyshevo, lost in the forests of the Vologda province, on the night of a starfall watched the procession of the dead, wandering along the trail from the old cemetery in the forest. These were not half-decayed bodies, namely ghosts people buried in that cemetery. In 1892, several white ghostly figures in which they recognized dead. All of them from different sides moved in one direction – to the site of the fall of a recently fallen meteorite By the way, the meteorite itself is like this and was not found. The place where almost any meteorite falls some time a peculiar anomalous zone. Its borders may be are different. For example, the “abnormal zone” of a meteorite that fell in the Amur Region in 1988. In populated points located in a radius of more than 100 kilometers from its place falls, transient poltergeist flashes were recorded. In 1962 the year a major meteorite fell in Tanzania. After his fall, almost three months in a territory of over 50 square miles seen ghostly clots and balls, as well as some short people who are on the eyes of eyewitnesses dissolved in the air. Watched there effects related to the acceleration and deceleration of the passage of time, and etc. Having reached its climax, the abnormal events here quickly disappeared. to no. Riddles of an old cemetery About strange incidents in areas where meteorites fall “heavenly guests.” According to one of them, the Siberian A. Talyzin, in the first three days after a meteorite’s fall is better in its zone do not enter the location, as various troubles are possible – from hallucinations to a serious deterioration in well-being. Three days – This is an approximate period. Going in search of fallen meteorites, one must always be prepared for the unexpected. They say the same thing Siberian shamans who categorically forbid not only approach the fallen meteorites, but also show the way to them. By their opinion, evil spirits settle on this place. Often shamans in advance They are aware of a meteorite falling and urge people to leave the dangerous area. The story with the famous Tunguska meteorite is indicative. Only it recently turned out that shamans knew that he should fall. IN May 1908 (almost two months before the disaster) took place them gathering, deciding to send messengers to areas that be in danger. The messengers walked through the woods and sailed along the rivers, warning the population of impending disaster and urging to leave with livestock and property. That is why the Tunguska explosion practically did not entail human casualties. Also it turned out that some fragments of the meteorite still reached the ground, but they didn’t fall at the epicenter of the explosion, where for many years they unsuccessfully searched, and tens of kilometers from it. This place was known to shamans and some initiates, but were silent, fearing to bring on their people the wrath of the demons that arrived with the “thundering fiery demon.” Perhaps one of the places where the Tunguska meteorite falls is Patom crater on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia. Photos from open sources A curious message came in 1999 year from Ecuador. People set off in search of a fallen meteorite discovered it in an old abandoned cemetery belonging to early colonial period. Interested in the cemetery archaeologists. At the autopsy of the graves, it turned out that all the dead lie in poses that are completely inconsistent with the Christian tradition. According to one of the archaeologists, the twisted bodies of the dead can It was assumed that they did not bury the dead, but were in lethargic sleep. After the burial, they woke up in the graves and suffocated. Later a sensational thing emerged: analysis corpses showed that they crouched not soon after the funeral, as thought at first, and much later, in the most recent time. how as if someone had excavated the graves, changed the situation for an unknown purpose semi-decayed remains and buried again. In other words, I did completely meaningless work. Yes, and it’s unlikely she really took place – no traces of opening the graves were noticed. Secret the old cemetery remained unsolved. Link Change Pose the dead with a meteorite never occurred to anyone. And meanwhile this seemingly insane version is confirmed by the belief of one of of the peoples of Siberia: spirits coming to Earth with the fallen fiery demon (meteorite), raised from the graves of the dead. Riding on meteorites Even the ancients spoke of the fact that various elemental spirits fill not only the Earth, but also the cosmos. Claims the same and the modern occult concept, according to which the invisible intelligent entities that have always existed, perhaps even before the emergence of our universe, concentrate around stars and planets. The Earth is surrounded by them. Near Earth Penetrated astral entities (having, by the way, the most immediate attitude to people), commonly called the noosphere. The same noosphere have all the small and large celestial bodies: the sun, planets, their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteorites. Behind any asteroid and a whole train of hundreds, maybe thousands of invisible entities that use these asteroids and comets as a kind of vehicle through space. When passing near some planet a part of “asteroid” entities “migrates” to its noosphere, and from the planet, on the contrary, some entities go into the asteroid loop. These flights and movements spirits in the solar system, galaxy and the whole universe occur constantly millions and billions of years. Perfumes moving with comets are concentrated mainly in the area of ​​their tails. Herself a comet (its core) can fly past Earth, but the tail often “touches” the atmosphere of the planet, and thousands come to us from it, if not millions of invisible entities. They have to master among local entities, as well as with the world of people. Apparently this the process is not so simple. The “grinding” of earthly spirits with aliens wears painful in nature, also affecting people and their astral bodies, including on the astral shells of the deceased (hence the appearance of the ghosts of the dead). In meteorites, the noosphere is relatively small, one might even say small. If a meteorite burns out, do not flying to the surface of the earth, then its noosphere is still in flight mixes with the noosphere of the planet. If a meteorite falls on the Earth, then a certain number of spirits accompanying him for a while remain in fall area. Since they are still unaccustomed to terrestrial conditions, then their behavior may not be entirely adequate. For us it is fraught various abnormal manifestations. Igor V0L03NEV

Time Universe Shamans

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