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On the pages of the weekly France Le Figaro raised the question of star wars that are increasingly becoming real for our of the world. And this is not about conflicts with aliens, but about possible military clashes of space forces of various countries of the Earth.
According to Florence Parley, Minister of Defense of France, the militarization of outer space by the superpowers has been going on for a long time and, it can be said, more and more is gaining momentum. Your policy findings builds on the fact that a year ago a Russian satellite approached French Athena-Fidus at a very close distance and at the same time tried to collect certain information. This, Parley said, can be considered an illustration of a “little space war” between two states.
That is, tracking satellites, the minister writes, for whom certainly will be followed by data interception or even “blinding” enemy spacecraft, or even knocking them out of orbit, already could soon become commonplace in space, which is still for some reason, it is considered safe and unmilitarized.
Florence Parley cites “danger” in his discourse Star Wars “even some numbers, for example, that France spends for the development and maintenance of the space sector about 2 billion euros per year, while the United States allocates 25 times for the same needs of its country more funds – up to $ 60 billion. In this case, Mrs. Parley for some reason, he welcomes the initiative of US President Donald Trump on the creation of the space armed forces. According to her, it “gives powerful signal, “writes Le Figaro, but the signal for whom and for what.
The French reader is at a loss what she wanted with all this. say defense minister: whether Florence Parley is concerned militarization of space, or speaks for it, however, with a small amendment: this militarization must be carried out without fail America, but not Russia …
US war