Strange hexagon of Saturn

A photo from open sources

Over the past few days the cassini apparatus has handed over A number of stunning shots.

A photo from open sources

Earlier we had the opportunity to view photos of the giant a whirlwind, so violently raging at the north pole of Saturn. Now the device “stepped back” to represent one of the most amazing features of the ringed giant – giant hexagon located at the north pole of Saturn. Composite color image created from a series of photographs transferred to Cassini November 28. Pictures were taken from a distance of 610.373 km. On the picture clearly visible changes in shades around the Northern Hemisphere Saturn, as well as a clear geometrically correct hexagonal structure

A photo from open sources

To date, the designated hexagonal structure, or, as it is customary to call it, the hexagon has not received an exact explanation. Even in the picture, the geometric shapes that are more visible are more correct. diameter reaches 25,000 km – large enough to Four Earths fit inside. For the first time this structure was spotted by the Voyager-1 and Voyager-2 apparatus about 30 years ago. New data appeared thanks to images of the Cassini apparatus. The fact that the phenomenon continues to exist for quite some time time interval, allowed scientists to conclude about it sustainability.

A photo from open sources

Cassini team spokesman Kevin Baines: “This is pretty strange accuracy geometric shapes, with six almost identical sides. we never seen anything like it on another planet. And Saturn … this is the last place we could assume existence such a regular geometric structure, but nevertheless it is there there is ”


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