Strange structures discovered on Jupiter

Strange structures discovered on JupiterA photo from open sources

For 10 hours, the largest Hubble Space Telescope took a picture of the largest planet in the solar system – Jupiter. Hubble managed to create one of the most detailed maps of the planet and simulate a video of a fly over it. Astronomers immediately measured the exact dimensions of the largest planet The solar system, and also noticed some certain changes in BKP (Big Red Spot) on the surface of Jupiter. The results of the work are recorded in the journal Astrophysical. Journal, as well as some information became available on the site NASA

When studying the planet, scientists noticed north of the equator specific wave and previously unknown threadlike features in center of the Great Red Spot. Spot sizes are reduced, but now not as fast as it was until recently time. In addition, the outlines of the BKP become more distinct and rounded. It is worth noting that up to this point, experts have never have seen similar changes in the atmosphere of Jupiter. According to their statement, maximum wind speed in the area of ​​the Great Red Spot is 540 kilometers per hour.

A wave discovered in the northern part of the planet was noticed as early as 1977 spacecraft Voyager 2 but at that time due lack of appropriate technical equipment astronomers do not could get high quality pictures. The wave was at 16 degrees north latitude of Jupiter. According to experts, the phenomenon is an analogue of the baroclinic waves that occur in the atmosphere of our planet with the formation of cyclones.

Along with the reduction of the Great Red Spot, its color. According to experts and according to the pictures, it is becoming more red and bright, and the structure of the BKP takes a rounded shape. Besides of this, the Hubble telescope recorded a strange thin structure, which forms right inside the storm and rotates under it exposure. Until now, astronomers can not find scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

The length of the Great Red Spot is 40,000 kilometers, the width is 13 000 kilometers, which exceeds any linear dimensions on our the planet. The spot itself is the largest in the solar atmospheric vortex system, which is studied by astronomers more than three hundred years. According to scientists, when using the best in the world the Hubble telescope they will be able to get many useful and previously unknown information that could turn astronomical science.

Soon astronomers and planetologists will present similar space maps for other planets. First of all, we are talking about Uranus and Neptune, then they will study another big planets of the solar system – Saturn.

Time Solar System Telescope Jupiter

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