Tambov apples go to space

Tambov apples go to spacePhotos from open sources of

Unique apples are grown in Michurinsk, Tambov Region, which are delivered to astronauts of the International Space station.

According to the director of the federal scientific center named after Michurin Mikhail Akimov, the best varieties have long been grown in their region Russian apples, rich in all kinds of vitamins, minerals and biologically active components. In addition, Michurin blocks just amazing taste. It was them who were selected by a special commission to replenish the diet of astronauts with the highest quality and healthy fruits.

Currently, the next batch is expected to be delivered to the ISS. great Tambov apples. In the meantime, experts at Michurin Scientific centers do everything necessary to ensure that their fruits are contained in an environment that allows you to store all of them in apples useful and flavoring properties.

A photo from open sources

Our apples, says Mikhail Akimov, ISS astronauts always looking forward, as they are not only useful, they are very tasty and always as if just plucked from a tree. Moreover, high opinion of them is not only our Russian specialists, all astronauts without exception. This year we expect apple harvest at ten percent more than in the past, which is almost two million tons of first-class fruit. That is, beautiful Michurin apples, for which there is always huge demand from buyers, will be with pleasure to eat both in orbit and in The earth …

Program for sending high-quality Michurin apples to space orbit launched back in 2011, the main supplier Russian fruit on the ISS – Naukograd company.

ISS Fruit

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