Telescopes recorded the emergence of another supernova

Telescopes recorded the emergence of another supernovaA photo from open sources

It all started with the fact that on June 16 of this year, telescopes Kek’s observatories in Hawaii recorded the emergence of yet another supernova, which (already by tradition) was designated by himself a computer like AT2018cow (such a “cow”), that is, if add to this some imagery then in the constellation Hercules the “star-cow” was born.

A photo from open sources

All this caused the staff of the observatory nothing more than a smile condescension to the “creative computer genius.” However already soon the scientists were no joke, because this “cow” led itself is not at all like ordinary supernovae, the nucleation cycle which have long been well studied:

  • she appeared almost in empty space – as if from “nowhere”, at the scene of the explosion before that there was not even a tiny stars
  • AT2018cow reached its maximum brightness in just two days, which is contrary to physical laws;
  • the brightness of the “cow” is at least 100-150 times higher than that of any supernova that scientists have seen a lot earlier.

A photo from open sources

Here’s what Dr. Kate McGuire of the team says on this occasion. ATLAS, speaking to colleagues from all other world observatory:

We have never seen anything like this before, and therefore this has perplexed the scientists of the world. AT2018cow star appeared no one knows where, and it’s too bright and fast for ordinary supernova stars. In any case, such an explosion in space should cause a gamma-ray burst of colossal power and a gravitational wave, which can spread, apparently, at any speed. AND it would be nice to determine how far it all came from our solar system.

A photo from open sources

Soon, Chinese astronomers suggested that before the “cow” about 200 million light years, that is, it is very distant from us galaxy. But here something does not agree with the laws of physics:

  • assuming AT2018cow is an exploded galaxy, then the diameter of such a megastructure must be huge, and therefore the explosion would have spread to its most distant edges for only dozens thousand years (at the speed of light), but not in two days, like this demonstrated a “cow”;
  • In addition, there are no galaxies on the line of the Earth and AT2018cow, according to at least no one had noticed them before.

And it turns out that the “cow” is in our galaxy. AND the catch in this case is that the distance to AT2018cow – not determined by the usual classic method. I.e this explosion could happen almost anywhere, for example, on just one light-year away from us. And in this case already a year later, the supernova energy, reaching Earth, will simply force it the mantle to boil, and everything that is in the earth’s lithosphere (growing, flies and runs), it will simply evaporate, because here it starts ionize every atom.

Currently, the eighteen most powerful (best) telescopes of the world are looking towards the “cow”, as scientists are trying, in what no matter what, determine the real distance to this exploded stars or galaxies. NASA promised to reassure in the coming weeks the general public.


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