Nick Reisinger, creator of the amazing Sky Guide app, dedicated to the stars and constellations, set a kind of record. He embarked on a journey of approximately 100,000 kilometers (about 60,000 miles) during which every night photographed the starry sky. Of the 37,000 images received, collected the largest photo of the starry sky ever made by man. Photo from open sources Beginner 28-year-old astrophotographer from Seattle went on this difficult journey by car and in order to make a new, more detailed map starry sky for your application. New version of Sky Guide, which will contain a giant true-color photo size of 100,000 by 50,000 pixels, should be released on December 19 for iPad and iPhone, but for now you can download the old version to you always had at hand a personal “star compass”. During its travel Nick used an array of six special cameras MicroLine ML8300, leaving it next to your car for the whole night as far as possible from the settlements, the sky over which smog, reflecting light from the earth and preventing the stars from seeing. The northern portion of the starry sky map was shot in the Arizona deserts, Texas, Colorado and North Carolina. Nick shot the southern part of the map, traveling around south africa. Photo from open sources “I wanted to show people the starry sky like they’ve never seen him before. In Seattle where I born, on a good night in the sky at best you can see 20 or 30 stars. In my photograph of the starry sky you will see approximately 20-30 million stars. My project didn’t mean by some kind of benefit to science. All this was done by me for educational and aesthetic goals, “says Nick about his project. View an interactive 360-degree panorama of the starry full sky you can by clicking on this link. By
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