A photo from open sources
At the SLC-40 complex, located on Cape Canaveral, December 5 Dragon ship of the Ilona Mask company launched this year SpaceX (watch video), which went to the ISS, carrying with it payload for American astronauts in the form of provisions, various materials and equipment (including 40 pieces laboratory mice).
All this is quite interesting, albeit mundane, if you do not take attention that similar launches for SpaceX often end badly. But this time it’s all worked out, and we we can watch the video shot at launching the CRS-19 Mission, which the operators for a long time and in detail show the audience (as she flies into space after launch).
And here the real surprises begin. Attentive viewers suddenly noticed on the video (mark 20 minutes 13 seconds) rushing out to mouse rocket nozzle … It is at an altitude of about 170 kilometers at a speed flight of 11 thousand kilometers per hour. Moreover, the mouse without a spacesuit (this and understandable) and, apparently, does not even notice a huge speed flight, no thin air. How is this possible?
Continuing to explore this amazing video, meticulous researchers at the mark of the video (24 minutes 47 seconds), they also noticed a flying a fly. Also a paradox …
Not surprisingly, after this, many Web users the Internet didn’t really believe in the reality of launching the CRS-19 rocket Mission, many have suggested that all these are demonstrative filming, made in a hangar studio (regular American “flights to The moon “), and therefore both the mouse and the fly feel on this” flying rocket “quite naturally not bad …
What really happened there is hard to say, that is hardly anyone to prove or refute the fact of fraud will work out. And therefore it will be easier and more reliable to blame everything for failure in a matrix, a defect in shooting or a para-idol illusion. A in fact, is there a big difference between all these “tricks” of our peace? ..
SpaceX rockets