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In China, the video on which it was captured became viral the fall of a mysterious space object, culminating in an explosion. It happened in Guangxi in the evening, which gave additional mystery to the incident.
And once rumors spread about the fall of UFOs, crashed aliens, various guesses and versions were built, but everything turned out to be much more prosaic. Soon, residents of the area where all this happened were informed: no aliens – part of the earth just fell Changzheng-3B rocket, with the help of which China launched two spacecraft navigation satellite.
True, even after the Internet became aware that on the video captures the fall of just a booster, popularity video has not decreased. First, spent missiles are wrong often fall before the eyes of thousands of viewers, secondly, this “fool” in general collapsed near the veins of houses, so the Chinese were even somewhat shocked: if the rocket fell directly on buildings?
Interesting, some users are interested. World Wide Web, and why you can’t plan a fall spent rocket parts into the ocean? Learned to count a little if not to a centimeter, how the module will land, say, on Mars, and here – where will it fall, if only on their heads countrymen? ..
China rockets