A photo from open sources
In response to the fact that the UK government arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was extradited to the police London employees of the embassy of Ecuador, where many years hiding from the US persecution (he is accused of illegal Pentagon Secret Documents), WikiLeaks Team published the first serious revelatory material is a warning to the authorities of the United States of America.
This is a video (see above) that shows how they filmed “Americans fly to the moon” in the pavilions of Hollywood. I think very tough slap on the reputation of the United States, whose authorities are still boast that it was the American who first entered the Earth’s satellite. And although no one believes in this for a long time, the new video material, along with with the recognition of director Stanley Kubrick (see video below), filming all this in due time, omits the USA in the eyes of even those who is trying to isolate himself from this lie, for example, by feeling patriotism (millions of Americans).
As if on purpose, the Internet immediately throws in and conspiracy information about the fate of American astronauts Apollo 1, which, according to the Daily Star, in 1967 died at rocket launch – suffocated during what happened fire. This is Virgil Grissom, Roger Chaffee, Edward Higgins White.
A photo from open sources
According to conspiracy theorists, it was these astronauts who were trained for “conquering the moon,” but … when the brave explorers found out that the “lunar mission” will be held in the pavilions of Hollywood, then flatly refused to participate in this adventure. Special adamant was Virgil Griss, who allegedly even threatened NASA management to tell all this to reporters. Quite perhaps the rest of his comrades were removed simply “for the company” – for more convincing in the accident of the ship during launch.
How some other Apollo members were removed, soon killed under strange circumstances like Thomas Byron, who personally prepared a report to the US Congress on the causes of the fire at Apollo 1. It’s possible Byron found out and told congressmen what really happened the intentional killing of astronauts, and therefore it was simply “erased” from of this life.
And those who were not removed, he apparently agreed to remain silent, as they were all consonant astronauts – Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin, who are already two years after the death of Apollo 1 “went to the moon” on the “Apollo 11”.
By the way, the cause of the fire on the Apollo 1 ship did not found. According to the son of the deceased astronaut Scott Grissom, even what was discovered was very much like inept falsification from the CIA. None of the relatives of the dead astronauts was satisfied with the results of the NASA investigation, loved ones stayed alive with the conviction that not everything is clean in this matter, to say the least categorically – everything is dirty and dishonest.
By the way, we just add that the deceased Virgill Griss, as people close to him said and still affirm, pathological intolerance to any lie and amazing resistance character. This allowed him to become an astronaut, it seems that became the cause of his premature death …
A photo from open sources
Do you think the Americans flew to the moon? After all, by convincing “evidence” of their lunar mission was and remains silence about this grand mystification of the last century of leadership USSR. However, a lot has already been written about the reasons for this silence. convincing materials, including on our website – esoreiter.ru.
NASA Moon Time Fires USA