Photo from open sources
This unusual phenomenon occurred on the ISS, namely the camera the international space station recorded something strange what looks like a man in a purple cap – and it’s in the open space!
Web users, from those meticulous online researchers, that constantly find, for example, signs of intelligent life on Mars and numerous alien bases on the moon, this time saw during video broadcasts from the ISS, incomprehensible reflection on its glass surface, something very similar to a person in space, and person without a spacesuit. The video itself was published on NASA official website.
Unique shots were taken by the camera of the Dexter station’s manipulator, a mysterious man in a purple cap can be caught in reflection on the glass of the ISS, which seems just unbelievable!
The video caused a lot of speculation among web users Internet, from the possibility of glare and an illusory pareidolia to the appearance of aliens near the station. However the most common and the assumption that the entire ISS program – Another American fake. True, here we must take into account that in this The program involves not only the United States, but many others leading countries of the world, including Russia, which periodically Delivers astronauts and cargo to the station. It turns out that Russia participates in this theater of the absurd? Something is hard to believe …
ISS Russia