The light of a star illuminated approaching her with high speed nebula

The light of a star illuminated a nebula approaching it with great speed.A photo from open sources

Hubble telescope received an unusual image, which shows like a cloud of interstellar matter, also called a “nebula” Meropi, “approaching a star. This nebula was discovered as early as 1890 by US astronomer Edward Barnard.

The cloud moving in our galaxy consists of interstellar gas and dust, and currently at a speed of 11 kilometers in second passes through the constellation Pleiades. Currently the nebula approached the star Meropa at a distance of 0.06 light year. The star itself (or rather its light) is in the right top corner of the picture. Star light that illuminates dust particles clouds make it visible.

A photo from open sources

As you approach the star, the nebula begins to significantly deform and stretch. The fact is that under pressure starlight large particles, unlike small ones, are weaker slow down. It turns out a kind of space sieve for particles the clouds. The photograph shows how the “lagging” tiny particles accumulated in the form of a fine structure in the lower left corner.

Astronomers have nicknamed this nebula a “ghost” for its unusual form. In a sense, they are right, since the light is approaching stars could literally “tear” it out of outer space, making us visible.

The approach of the gas-dust cloud with the star will last another several thousand years, and if the cloud can withstand the effects of a star, then will continue its movement in our galaxy.

Andrey Vetrov

Galaxy Time

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