The moon is even less protected from asteroids than Earth: how does this threaten us?

The moon is even less protected from asteroids than the Earth: what threatens us with this?A photo from open sources We used to believe that the moon, with its open surface for strikes of all meteorites, as if “living” itself by yourself, and the Earth, protected from space objects by the atmosphere, – also on its own. But this is far from true!

Scientists from Poland recently made a sensational statement, according to which the moon poses a great danger to us in in case a large asteroid falls on its surface. Also in sixties of the last century, Polish scientists argued that on the Earth’s natural satellite has enormous water reserves, which lie at a great depth, and these reserves are not less than six hundred million tons.

A photo from open sources

Therefore, if a meteorite with a diameter of the order of a kilometer collides with The moon, then the satellite will simply split into parts, and its huge reserves waters that are now stored in the form of ice will spill to Earth huge torrential streams. And these rains will go all over the earth at least five hundred years, thus raising the level oceans hundreds of meters. For example, a year later under water such large cities as London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Maldives will leave Singapore, and after three hundred years, water will reach Everest – and on Earth almost no life outside the ocean.

Although, continuous and never-ending rains will sink civilization much earlier, leaving only a handful of people alive the numbers of the strongest of this world.

By the way, today scientists have already proved that the Moon keeps these countless reserves of water that can escape at any moment space and spill into our Earth endless streams. Not by chance, the prophets are again “preparing” for us the end of the world – now in the end of September of this year. In their opinion, this will be the fault huge meteorite. Perhaps it will fall just not on Earth, but on Moon, splitting it into pieces, like a nut …

Water moon

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