The mystery of the exploded planet Phaeton

The mystery of the exploded planet PhaetonA photo from open sources In ancient times, astronomers were surprised how big was the distance between Jupiter and Mars. By the opinion of many scientists, the whole point was that between them there was another planet. But they could not find her in any way. January 1, 1801 the Italian astronomer Giuseppo Piatsii, who lived in Palermo, made a big discovery – for the first time in the world was discovered the large asteroid Ceres, which was located between Jupiter and Mars. The diameter of the asteroid was about 770 kilometers. After about year, in the same place, another asteroid was discovered – Pallas. After discovered the planet a few more years to Juno, and in 1807 – the fourth planet, West. These findings became a good reason for to think, because in place of the alleged existence of one a large planet was discovered four small in shape reminiscent of balls. In those days, the discovery of asteroids was a real sensation. In the modern scientific world, more than two are known thousand asteroids of various sizes. In diameter some of them reach half a kilometer. In 1898, the asteroid Eros was discovered, which at that time was considered the only one entering the orbit of Mars. However, it was later established that in addition to it, there are others: Cupid, Ganymede, Hermes and Apollo. These are small in their the size of the planet went into the orbits of Mercury and Venus, that is, further than Eros. The real sensation was the discovery in 1949 an asteroid called Icarus. He is at the smallest distance to the Sun, making a complete revolution around it for 400 days. This asteroid moves much faster than its counterparts. celestial bodies. Every 19 years, Icarus takes place in the immediate proximity to our planet. Some astronomers have hypothesized that all these small asteroids are the remains of the fifth large body The solar system, the death of which occurred more than 11.5 thousand years back. As evidence of their conjecture, they cited calculations: if you add the entire asteroid belt into one body, then a planet with a diameter of 5900 kilometers would be obtained. That is, this planet would be definitely larger than Mercury, but smaller Mars. This planet was even found a name – Phaeton – by name ancient Greek mythical hero (he is known to have died from lightning strike of Zeus, catching fire and falling into Eridan). Of course the ancients myths are filled with romance, but in ancient texts there reports on what actually happened to the planet. Some texts indicate that the cause disaster became one of the gods living in the abyss, in others – the “archangel of the abyss” is mentioned. Speaking more modern language, it can be noted that in those distant times between extraterrestrial civilizations fought nuclear battles. Supposedly among themselves fought the Sirians and the Lyrans. The Lyrans did not want humanity continued its existence at that stage of development, because it has become incorrigible and depraved. They sought death human race to be able to start from the very began experiments on Earth. Planet Phaeton was then the main habitat of the Sirians who were in constant confrontation with the Lyrans through the redistribution of the planets of the solar system. The Lyrans were convinced that human civilization needed in chaos, wars, natural disasters, to continue to develop. They arranged all these stresses for earthlings. As a result, on Earth alone civilization perished after another. As for the Sirians, they adhered to completely opposite views, went humane, peaceful way of development. They were the creators of Atlantis. The Lyrans intended to conduct an experiment – destroy the planet Phaeton and bring the moon into Earth orbit, hoping that severe tidal deformation caused by the emergence of a new cosmic body, destroy all life on Earth, swap continents and oceans, tropics and poles. The Sirians knowing this and wanting to warn earthlings of danger, sent around the world their representatives. These forerunners are preserved in many chronicles (for example, in the Babylonian epic, Burmese chronicles, stories of Mexican and American Indians). Usually, they looked the same: in black clothes, with disheveled hair, a sad face. He went where many gathered people, and warned of the imminent destruction of the planet. Based on mythology, it can be assumed that earthlings were witnesses the death of the Phaeton and the movement of the moon to the earth’s orbit. In this case I mean the very ancient cult of the “winged disc” (he identifies the Sun). Such a disk is present above the inputs to ancient Egyptian temples, widespread among the Babylonians, Assyrians, Mayans, Khets, Atlanteans and Polynesians. Sometimes him depicted in the form of a bird, but always, in all manifestations, this symbol symbolized the beginning that life bestows. Counters this sign hostile beginning, bearing the sign of a snake. The bird enters the fight with a snake and triumphs. It can be assumed that the wide the distribution of these symbols is an indication and proof that they basically have certain grandiose events. But that’s all, as they say, lyrics. If you consider more scientific point of view, it must be noted hypothesis Researcher I. Rezanov. He concluded that the planet Phaeton, which existed between Jupiter and Mars, collapsed as at least twice. To prove his theory, he cites following arguments. For the first time, Phaeton spoke of the existence of 1596, founder of celestial mechanics Johannes Kepler. He drew attention to the fact that between the two planets is too much space, and suggested that there should be one more planet. Kepler’s guess was later confirmed by Bode and Titius, who deduced the formula by which all the bodies of the solar system have its clearly defined place. Despite this, the planet never found. At the beginning of the 19th century, the German scientist-astronomer G. Olbers suggested the search was unsuccessful: by According to him, the planet was, but collapsed. Her wreckage in the form of the asteroid belt and the body are found in orbit. Towards the middle of the last century there was virtually no scientist who believed would be in the existence of the planet Phaeton. Titius-Bode formula recognized erroneous, and the occurrence of an asteroid belt was explained natural causes. One of those who believed with existence Phaeton, was Rezanov. According to his assumptions, such a planet formed at the same time as the others, i.e. approximately 4.6 billion years ago. But how then to explain its disappearance? Some scholars have hypothesized that on the Phaeton a thermonuclear catastrophe erupted, but Rezanov was sure that it not this way. The scientist was sure that the disaster was, but its nature completely different. At that time in the solar system a large asteroid appeared that collided with the planet Phaeton, which led to its destruction. In addition, Rezanov had another explanation: initially the mass of the Phaeton was approximately equal the mass of Mars. The planet had a small iron core and a powerful crust. That is, in terms of the ratio of core, crust and mantle, the Phaeton was equal to Mars, but at the same time, it was surrounded by a large hydrogen atmosphere. When the conditions were created for a gas explosion, hydrogen, by virtue of small mass of the planet, began to quickly disappear, atmospheric the pressure has dropped. The mantle began to melt, and in these places carbon and water formed, which contributed to the release a lot of heat. Water turned into steam, pressure increased. As a result, parts of the cortex began to fall off surface, and over the next billion years she fell off completely. Fragments of the crust scattered throughout the galaxy, forming craters on other planets. Part of the wreckage turned into unstable satellites of Saturn and Jupiter. And the Phaeton lost about 30 percent of its mass. But this did not end there. On the a new crust began to form in the molten mantle, which existed for approximately 400 million years. But the story repeated itself pieces of the crust began to fall off again and turned into meteorites, scattered throughout the solar system. Some of them were on Earth, and in them scientists periodically find traces of extraterrestrial existence. The planet itself has completely collapsed over time, leaving behind only an asteroid belt. Of course take on faith this or that explanation is completely impossible. But also brush aside they also will not work, because it may turn out that the planet Phaeton, which left behind a huge number of asteroids and meteorites, can be the key to solving many puzzles space and its civilizations. Moreover, such an assumption is not exclude modern astronomers …

Water Time Snakes Moon Mars Mercury Birds Sun Solar System Jupiter

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