NASA experts on its website explained where it could come from “light” in the picture, which the robot “Curiosity” “(Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity) recently transmitted from Mars – from equatorial Gale Crater, in which the robot is now located. By experts themselves answered UFO-bloggers who turned to to them for comments. Contacted after they discovered an anomaly.
The first to pay attention to the bloggers. And made a fuss on the whole world
A photo from open sources
A photo from open sources
The presence of a “twinkle” in NASA recognized. Moreover, it was reported that spotted him for two consecutive days, not only on April 3, 2014, on which bloggers referred, but also on the eve. It was 588 and 589 Martian days – the so-called sol. The light was 160 meters from “Curiosity”.
NASA categorically rejected the suggestion of bloggers that Martians lit a light. No, experts are sure, this is not a fire not a flashlight. And most likely – one of two things: either a highlight of the rock, or a glitch of the camera, into the matrix of which a cosmic ray hit.
Experts explain that the light is visible in the pictures taken right-eye camera of the stereo Navcam). And on the “left” pictures taken at the same second, their not.
And on April 2 and 3, the shooting was carried out almost at the same time – about 9 and 10 in the morning. The sun was in about the same place, itself the robot did not move. That is, the rock could well glare the same way. The lens hit the right lens, but not the left.
NASA Snapshot April 3, Right Lens of Navigation Cameras there is a light.
A photo from open sources
NASA Snapshot April 3, left navigation camera lens: no light
A photo from open sources
NASA Snapshot April 2, left navigation camera lens: there is a light. There is no picture with the right lens.
A photo from open sources
Justin Maki (NASA’s Justin Maki of Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.) – Team Leader navigation camera, believes that one should not refuse cosmic ray hypotheses. Like, they very often “appear” on photo from Mars.
“We get thousands of shots from Curiosity,” says Maki, “ and every week we notice “lights” on at least one of them. But this doesn’t mean that around Martians – make bonfires and honk flashlights.
Something to glare, of course, can. Although it is strange that “sunny bunny, “so accurately falls into only one of the lenses, located close to each other. And at the expense of cosmic rays, which caused a glitch in the photosensitive elements of the camera and appeared in the form of lights, also hard to believe. Turns out that these rays hit the right camera lens for two days in a row. A in the left – did not fall.
By the way, on the NASA website among the “working photos” – the so-called Raw Images taken by the robot’s stereo navigation camera, for some reason there is no “left” picture for April 2 (588 Sol). Therefore check there there “light” or not, is not possible. May be, the American space agency is still getting dark, sorry for pun?
Mars NASA Robots