A photo from open sources
Juno’s research unit has once again become close to Jupiter, flying at a distance of only a few thousand kilometers from the upper borders of its clouds.
JunoCam camera, also called “folk”, produced several new shots of the atmosphere of the gas giant. All received images are presented on the official website of the space missions.
The most impressive for researchers was the picture with a giant black spot on the surface of Jupiter. This is not at all some kind of anomalous phenomenon, and the shadow cast by the surface of Jupiter is its moon Io.
Io is the closest satellite to Jupiter, whose orbit passes on the distance from the planet is about 420 thousand kilometers. To Io make one revolution around the planet, it takes 1.77 days. This satellite is noteworthy in that it has active volcanoes. On its surface, scientists counted about 400 points volcanic activity.
Earlier, ESOREITER talked about the expected eruption. large volcano “Loki” on the satellite of Jupiter. Volcano “Loki” – crater-shaped depression, the size of which is about 200 kilometers in across. Periodically changing satellite gravity leads to the eruption of this volcano.
Andrey Vetrov
Volcanoes Jupiter