A photo from open sources
Radar, having received the design of Venus’s radar data, sent them to Earth so we can admire the alien mountain scenery. If after sunset you look west, you will see a bright dot that first lights up in the sky. Not! it not a star. This is the planet Venus, which is located next to our earth. Venus is covered with a dense layer of thick clouds, therefore the planet not only reflects a lot of sunlight, but carefully hides its surface from visible observation. However through dense clouds of Venus can be easily penetrated by radar, which was used by the NASA spacecraft. Beginning with 1990s and to this day on the map of Venus, in principle, was its entire surface is almost completely marked, but the information according to which a map was compiled, came from its orbit. Though early missions made incredibly detailed maps the rugged terrain of Venus; they did not provide for monitoring changes on its surface. And these same changes on such unstable planet occur regularly. Fortunately comparatively recently, scientists have the opportunity with the help of modern powerful ground-based radar observatories create global maps of Venus right here on Earth … using radar during In the last few years, detailed images have been obtained. the surface of our neighbor. Comparing image data allows specialists to analyze the occurring changes on the surface Venus. Although work on comparisons of radar images in finding evidence of planet surface changes is pretty painstaking, however, it brings clarity to nature geological processes affecting these changes. From common observations it seems that the surface of Venus is relatively young: it is covered in volcanoes and ribbed landscapes with tectonic activity. However perhaps this false impression. At the moment, scientists are trying to figure out which geological processes occur today on Venus, and also did the radars really record outbreaks of volcanoes which are believed to have been active for several million years back.