Photo from open sources
It helped astronomers to solve one of the long-standing mysteries use of a global network of radio telescopes. Hundreds of young stars clusters of the Pleiades (often called the “Seven Sisters”), which are in the constellation Taurus, formed almost a hundred million years ago. For many years it was believed that from the Earth to the Pleiades four hundred and thirty light-years. Just launched in 1989 Hipparcos satellite, helped establish that this distance is almost forty light years less. Photos from open sources The difference is not so seemingly so a big one, however, influenced the understanding, regarding the formation of stars and their development. A group of astronomers even put forward a new assumption that such stars may have discovered new, yet unknown to science properties. To it was necessary to confirm or refute the assumption distance to the Pleiades calculate with high accuracy. Solve the problem of made possible when astronomers took the help of global network, which includes radio telescopes: VLBA, Arecibo Observatory, Effelsberg Radio Telescope et al. For over a year and a half they have been relentless observed the Pleiades clusters, which helped to calculate the distance before them, which is four hundred and forty-three years.
Photos from open sources It turns out that Hipparcos, on the account which is more than 118 thousand measurements, made a mistake defining his?