Due to the devastating earthquakes of 2011, from which affected the entire infrastructure of the Land of the Rising Sun, Japanese scientists pondered alternative ways to get electricity. Private company Shimizu literally offered look at the sky in search of its sources. Open Source Photos The idea is to take our a natural satellite – the moon – into the ring. Around the lunar equator they will build a long strip of concrete, which can also be made of lunar soil. Its width will be 450 kilometers and a length of 12,240 kilometers. All the construction work can be done by robots. All lunar “Great Wall of China” will be covered with solar panels, which will be connected via cables to microwave and laser transmitting stations. The energy sent from the moon will be directed to receiving stations on Earth. This will allow to receive solar energy. round the clock and all year round, because on the moon there are no clouds and bad weather conditions.
A photo from open sources
Rays sent from the moon will be sent to receiving stations at Earth (illustrated by Shimizu Corp.). Company representatives claim in a press release that in this way you can get up to 13 thousand terawatts of energy. The construction of the “moon ring” scheduled for 2035. The only obstacle to the implementation of this idea is a complete lack of precedents. No one has ever tried to create such a massive design on another celestial body. Of course, the cost of the mission will be very high, however, in that the idea will pay off, no one has doubt.
A photo from open sources
The lunar ring will be 450 kilometers wide and 12,240 long. kilometers (illustrated by Shimizu Corp.). Corporation specialists Shimizu hopes they don’t have to do a project in alone. They plan to attract all international cooperation. community. Together, experts have to solve many questions, for example, how to protect building robots, and then solar panels themselves from storms and dust that do not abate on the moon. There is also the possibility that others will appear by 2035, simpler and cheaper electricity generation projects. So or otherwise, Shimizu representatives said that this project is a demonstration of the willingness of the Japanese nation to accept desperate solutions to restore normal life after the Fukushima accident and the devastating effects of other natural disasters.
Moon robots