The space probe for the first time in history went beyond the limits of the solar system

NASA’s Voyager 1 interplanetary probe launched 35 years ago crossed the border of the heliosphere and became the first artificial the object that left the solar system, American scientists write in paper accepted for publication in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Photo from open sources “It seems that Voyager 1 has left region that depends on the effects of the sun, its data show such characteristics of hydrogen and helium as expected to be observed in an interstellar medium, “write Bill Webber from the University of New Mexico and his colleagues. Border The solar system is considered the so-called heliosphere – the “bubble”, filled with solar wind. Beyond it begins interstellar space, whose property no longer depends on magnetic field, nor from the flow of charged particles emanating from Of the sun. According to scientists, on August 25, 2012 a probe that was at that time at a distance of 121.7 astronomical units (average radii of the Earth’s orbit) from the Sun, “felt” sharp changes in the flow of cosmic rays of different origin. IN for several days the flow of protons and alpha particles with energies 1.9-2.7 megaelectronvolts emanating from the sun, declined approximately 300-500 times. The intensity of galactic space rays doubled. “For several days the intensity heliospheric radiation decreased, and the intensity of space Rays has grown, which, as we expected, should happen in the near interstellar space, “says Webber, words cited by the American Geophysical Union (AGU).

Sun solar system

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