The specialist photographed a giant bridge on The moon

A specialist photographed a giant bridge on the moonA photo from open sources

In the evening of September 19 of this year, an Australian specialist in Physical Sciences Tara Anderson of the University of Southern Queensland photographed the moon and unexpectedly received quite unusual and mysterious shot.

A photo from open sources

An incomprehensible structure of colossal dimensions was imprinted on it. a few hundred kilometers long. This object is clearly not can be a crater, since it rises noticeably above surface of Selena and is clearly visible against the background of its dark side.

A photo from open sources

Astronomers, however, report that this is probably about Rainbow Bay – a large impact crater located on northwest of the lunar Sea of ​​Rains and filled with frozen basaltic lava.

Many ufologists and ordinary web users categorically do not agree with this opinion.

Some of them are convinced that it was a bridge or some another structure erected on a natural satellite of the Earth aliens. According to others, we have a huge snake-like creature that crawled to the surface at the time of shooting celestial body. Still others believe that there has been any cataclysm. Fourth and do suggest that the moon is a hologram in our matrix system that briefly gave a failure.

Moon Bridges

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