The strange behavior of the Voyager 2

Strange behavior of the devicePhotos from open sources of

If we turn to the anomalous zones of the Earth, which on the planet a lot, and consider that almost no mysterious the phenomenon occurring in them (the disappearance of people, the appearance of mystical creatures, violation of physical laws and so on), no scientific explanation, a logical question arises: what about us waiting in space in that case?

This is fully demonstrated, for example, by the Voyager 2 mission. American Space Agency NASA. This unit has been started. back in 1977 with the aim of exploring distant corners The solar system with an eye out of it. So it happened: in 1989 year, “Voyager 2” flew near Neptune and then allegedly left our SS.

But when the device was approximately 15 billion kilometers from Earth (according to NASA scientists), began to happen to him weird things. Voyager 2 as if on its own reprogrammed and began to transmit messages that are not clear US Space Agency employees so far.

Since the language of “aliens” was never deciphered, but the apparatus, as claimed, for example, by NASA experienced astrophysicist Kevin Baines, couldn’t spontaneously change the language, then about this interesting assumptions arise. If you did it all the same aliens why it is impossible to even come close to decoding these messages? And if not them, then what is it all about?

NASA management ultimately solves this problem very simple (in scientific terms): the Voyager 2 probe failed in software, which is why the binary system has one zero was replaced by one – it happens …

A photo from open sources

It’s easy to believe if you turn to everyday practice work with computer programs: failures are a common occurrence. therefore no sensation, no contact with aliens who in in principle, they could do this – change the code on purpose.

The Voyager 2 device cannot fly beyond the limits of the Solar systems: we are in the matrix

But there is another interesting mystery in this story. Apparatus Voyager 2 operates on thermoelectric radioisotope generators operating on plutonium-238. Thanks to this probe can fly into the abyss of space, at least until 2025. Can you imagine where he is now and where he will be to the finale of his space missions!

However, flying out of the solar system, as it turned out, “For some reason, Voyager 2 could not. Moreover, our Earth, revolving around the Sun, at certain times of the year it even approaches this mysterious machine that seems to be stuck on some orbit and also rotates along its trajectory within the SS.

Why all this happened, no one really knows. But together with these failures, assure conspiracy theorists, can serve as indirect proof that we all live in a matrix, and therefore no the infinite universe simply does not exist, and our idea of endless space is nothing more than a theory, as yet nothing reinforced – and it’s impossible to do it in principle.

The assumption is bold, is not it, like all other conjectures such independent researchers? However, about the matrix in which we supposedly we live, even serious scientists and space strategists, for example, Elon Musk. Why would it suddenly? ..

Life in NASA’s Solar System Matrix

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