Photo from open sources
Scientists have discovered a star near which three rotate Ecoplanets, practically not much different from ours, that is, on them the biological life may well exist as on our Earth, and therefore similar to our civilization.
Surprisingly, this orange dwarf astronomers assigned the name (rather code) HD 7924, found by scientists for another six years back, but to prove that ecoplanets revolve around him, they managed just the other day. It used to be that only one a planet, more or less similar to our Earth, revolves around dwarf, and even astronomers were not one hundred percent sure percent.
And the latest data confirmed that all three planets, orbiting stars HD 7924, suitable for biological of life. Moreover, all these planets are also significantly larger than the Earth, exceeding it in diameter several times. One can only assume what a life is boiling in these gigantic territories!
The only thing that upsets us is that before the dwarf HD 7924, which is located in the cluster of stars of Cassiopeia, fifty-five light years. At our level of space development – just unreachable distance!
Official science immediately blew up: such a discovery gives us hope that we are not alone in the universe. That’s really true amazing! Us earthlings are almost observed under a microscope other civilizations, UFOs fly around, it has long been proven that and intelligent life on Earth appeared not without the help of aliens, but official science is still sending signals into space in the hope that someone will answer them. And rejoices like a child somewhere on the vastness of the universe still exists similar to our earth the planet.
Well why aliens should fly on the same ship as with us, by all means, be the same in terms of development, and implement your visit to Earth is mandatory according to the scenario that us arranges? For example, with open arms, kissing and tears of joy in front of a long-awaited meeting …
Universe Life Sun