The sun has gone astray

Solntsevorascharov scientists with its weak activity in the outgoing year. As an employee of the Physical Institute told reporters named after Lebedev RAS Sergey Bogachev, in the current solar cycle the activity of the star approached the so-called “minimum Дальтона”. Фото изOpen Sources “Solar activity is traditionally measured by Wolf’s number, which depends on the number of spots on the disk of the Sun and the number of their groups. This parameter has been fixed since the 1750s. IN the middle of the XIX century it was found that it changes with a period of 11 years, and a total of 23 such cycles have been recorded since the start of observations, ” – RIA Novosti quoted Bogachev as saying. “If in the current 24th solar the number of spots in the cycle does not exceed current values, it will be mean that he will become the most “calm” since the minimum Dalton, “the scientist added. Currently, Wolf’s number is about 60-65, while at the maximum of the previous cycle it equaled 125-150, and in the middle of the XX century. reached 250. When was the Dalton minimum is recorded (the period from 1790 to 1830), the number Wolf was 62-63. “Although some scientists still hope that next 2013 will nevertheless be a year of true sunny maximum, no reasonable grounds for this were left. By Apparently, in the next year or two, general scientific recognition awaits us. that our luminary has passed through the lowest cycle in recent 200 years, “said Bogachev. He added that low activity The sun itself is interesting in itself, since active sun scientists well studied, and inactive they still know little. In particular, there will be debate about why it became inactive – it’s some kind of a failure, or a relatively normal cycle for the Sun, just with low amplitude. “For science, such a state of the Sun in some sense is even more interesting, since the active Sun studied very well, but here’s how the stars of the solar type behave in deep failures of activity, no one has yet seen, “- concluded Bogachev. The scientist assured that the low activity of the Sun has not yet means the imminent onset of the ice age, according to some. According to him, the relationship between the activity of the Sun and climate change has not yet been studied enough to do such conclusions. Well, at least among scientists in the coming years there will be an opportunity to test different theories in practice. Bogachev noted that it is possible to identify any dependence at least for ten years of observation.

The sun

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