The sun urgently needs a stain remover

A photo from open sources

Astronomers have recorded on the Sun the largest group of spots per 25 years of observation. Three of them were ranked in the highest category. power. Recall that the spots we – earthlings – appear to be giant explosions on the surface of the sun. Each one throws charged particles into outer space.

If the Earth is in the path of particle flow in its atmosphere geomagnetic storms occur, fraught with disruption of work space satellites, communications, electrical networks. With the same particles connected and auroras. Current spots despite its vast size and mass, occurred without ejection coronary mass. This is probably why a significant impact on earthlings did not have. Is that radio communication at some frequencies briefly violated. Is it the case of the sun spots of 1947 – then the number of spots on the sun was 3 times more than now, and the consequences for people were more serious.

Since then, technology has become more resistant to solar activity. Click to view full sizePhoto from open sources

The sun

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