A photo from open sources
Today, the hoax of the Apollo lunar mission is increasingly seen not through the prism of fake Hollywood movies, in than NASA’s American space agency even admitted when this deftly making excuses that this was allegedly done only with the aim of improve the quality of the video material, and from the perspective of the possibility of such flights.
Scientists almost unanimously admit that even today we are not we have the ability to overcome the radiation belts of Van Allen, and because neither the moon, nor even to Mars manned satellites so far will not fly. It is no coincidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin confidently declared that robots (cars) will first fly to the Red Planet, for man is still an insurmountable milestone.
On the channel “Russia 24” this question was also raised – really whether a person fly to Mars today. And the scientists’ answer was very categorical: not even considering all the other problems of delivery of people to the Red Planet, for example, misunderstandings with space bacteria, they are still extremely dangerous to health, primarily because of the strong radiation exposure that prevails in open space, in difference from orbital flights, although we arbitrarily call them also cosmic, let it be far and far from it.
That’s why NASA in the last century after allegedly implemented Apollo missions to the moon showed no real radiation for outside the IEO, and the one that is in low Earth orbit. And this was NASA’s most inconspicuous trick that space researchers discovered much later. That is, the Apollo astronauts do not crossed the Van Allen radiation belts, and therefore did not fly on The moon.
A photo from open sources
And although there is no evidence of the health of those American astronauts (this was simply not studied, since this was not no need, since no one flew anywhere), however, all participants of that “lunar mission” survived in health until deep old age, which would simply be impossible, because, as claimed scientists, those “legendary Apollo” can be compared to canning a can completely unprotected from radiation – even into orbit on them it wasn’t completely safe to fly, not like the moon.
Today, NASA experts are serious about the problem manned flights beyond the NOU, rightly considering them so far impossible. And while they keep silent about the truth about their mythical “moon mission” of the past. Say they are just ashamed for their fathers – language does not turn: conscience of this nation it’s just not what Americans prove to the world throughout the whole history of the USA …
Vladimir Putin Health Moon Mars NASA Robots Russia