The truth about the completion of the mission of the orbital station “World”

The truth about the completion of the mission of the orbital stationA photo from open sources

In 2001, the Soviet Mir orbital station was “buried” in The pacific ocean. The official version: she completed her mission, technically and morally obsolete and therefore was destroyed for unsuitability.

And only recently it became known that everything was completely wrong. On the in fact, the Mir station was removed from orbit and rendered harmless at the beginning in the “furnace” passing through the atmosphere, and then sunk in the depths ocean, because it was struck by mutants in space microorganisms, with which Russian scientists could not cope.

Incomprehensible and scary

The flight to the Mir station, for example, for the Hero, became fatal Soviet Union Alexander Serebrov – an experienced astronaut, which flew four times into Earth’s orbit and ten times went into outer space.

According to his recollections, that last time they changed the previous astronauts’ shift at the station and suddenly … found in spacesuits strange green dust. This space mold had to be cleaned the whole team, and improvised means, after which it sent to the dust bag. But this was only the beginning of all troubles.

Soon, the astronauts noticed that the water became somehow unpleasant taste, and a few days later in the compartments appeared sharp sickening smell, condensate pumping pumps began to fail. Having disassembled the column and cleaning the pump, Serebrov suddenly noticed that the filter is clogged with obscure yellow crumbs. He put it there wire and to his surprise he pulled out a 1.5 meter worm – a kind of yellow-brown snake.

After that, the expedition began to urgently prepare for the return to Earth, as the Mission Control Center understood: in space something extraordinary, almost catastrophic, if microbacteria in space have managed to mutate and degenerate into huge slug, but in general, microorganisms simply began to destroy station “Mir”. And in fact, in the remaining days out of order life support systems, appliances and so on – almost perfect space laboratory in front of astronauts literally falling apart under the influence of microscopic creatures.

By the way, Serebrov sent a yellow worm with a cargo ship here but to Earth, and he safely sunk into oblivion, since neither he Alexander, not one of his familiar astronauts and scientists anymore I did not hear a word or a half-word about this “terrible beast”.

A photo from open sources

Confessions of an astronaut Serebrov

While still at the Mir station, Serebrov felt that he wasn’t all right, he was constantly sick, dizzy, nevertheless under such monstrous conditions when the entire station was hit cosmic fungus unknown to science (for example, the stern covered with a terrible white coating) and hell knows what, astronauts stayed on it for 197 days. Upon returning to Earth, Serebryakova examined and found in his intestine an unknown yeast bacterium, which the doctors didn’t know how and how to remove the astronaut from the body, how to deal with it. Note that Alexander suffered from this disease. all the remaining years, until his death on November 12, 2013.

Despite this, he was very sorry that the leadership of the Center flight control decided this way to deal with the station “World” – sink it in the Pacific Ocean. Firstly, scientists did not take samples of microorganisms arising in space. Secondly, officials from the leadership for some reason considered that during passing in the atmosphere, all these microbes will burn, as in a firebox. What if not burned out? After all, they somehow survived in outer space, and even adapted, began to multiply and mutate intensely. And what if at the bottom of the ocean the survivors of these space mutants to still breeding and preparing the earth another “fantastic gift “? And in general, we know too little about space, he said Serebrov to conquer it and even more so go to other planets, because while people are powerless even before earthly microorganisms that have fallen into space. Not to mention everything else that we cannot even imagine …

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