The ufologist saw a gift from the Chelyabinsk meteorite parallel world

Everyone is well aware of the video from the DVR, on which you can see how a certain cylindrical body catches up with a stone meteorite, and breaks it into several fragments and continues to fly further. A then the following happens: after the fall of a large debris into the lake Chebarkul, the owner of a private house N. finds on his site strange pieces of silver metal.

A ufologist saw a gift from a parallel world in the Chelyabinsk meteoriteA photo from open sources

One of the fragments of such a fragment was sent to the famous Dalnegorsk ufologist Valery DOUBLE for analysis. By color and structure it was very similar to what the researcher previously met. Conducted complex analyzes showed that it is a silicide gland. But silicides in the types and classes of meteorites are unknown, and this sample cannot be considered a meteorite. This compound is considered artificial and made by man since the 20th century.

Silicides are no longer toys

Chebarkul silicide is different from that produced by humans, so as it has two modifications of silicide and contains such exotic minerals, like coesite, which is found in meteor craters, cohenite – it is found in iron meteorites, as well as carbides iron and silicon, which is not in the silicides produced by man! Therefore, consider that one of the children or adults has dropped the silicide from a local factory on the private land of this comrade, excluded.

In addition to a piece weighing 2 kg, fine “sand” was found on the ground with silicide inclusions, which clearly indicates meteorite crushing it is a silicide. The “sand” interspersed with melted particles quartz rock with silicide. It contains high temperature quartz, silicon carbides, the same coesite from meteorite craters and Mineral Ringwood – the rarest mineral of the Kurara meteorite. Maybe, that these meteorites could have been formed as a result of strongest blow and high temperatures in the collision of these 2 bodies and are not related to terrestrial rocks. Thus, video of the collision of the Chelyabinsk meteorite with a certain body confirmed by test results.

About a dozen finds of various pieces of this are known. silver alloy in our region. Two-core analyze silicide from under the village. Plastun and Dalnegorsky. Most interesting, unlike others, just lying on the surface soil, fallen from the sky Dalnegorsk silicide. At the beginning of 90 a man who was in an apiary near the Krivoy river heard a noise from the fall of a body a few meters from the apiary. Counting that a meteorite fell, and taking a shovel, he went to the place of impact. There from a small hole he dug from the ground a piece of 5 kg still hot silver metal.

“I got a fragment of it weighing more than 1 kg for analysis. Its surface was fused in dimples – remaglipts, characteristic for meteorites. There is no doubt that this is an alien from others, there were no parallel worlds! Zyusite was also found in it, graphite, carbides of iron and nickel and, surprisingly, completely there are no iron oxides and there is no crystalline phase of iron – a strange anomaly, “says the scientist.

A gift from another world

In connection with a strange incident in the sky over Chelyabinsk Two-core put forward a peculiar hypothesis that a number of objects from another world can penetrate our space through special energy information portals.

Thus, a large piece of silicide that has flown out of another world through an open portal and having a speed higher than Chelyabinsk meteorite hit the ground. In this case, the trajectories of both bodies coincided, “with of another world “object caught up and caused the destruction of Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Interestingly, a similar situation, apparently, was with the Tunguska body, as a number of eyewitnesses are described in the air by matching the trajectories of 2 more strange objects and the ensuing explosion main body. It is possible that someone can watch us from of another world and when threatened from outer space, destroy large objects in in the air. Of course it looks fantastic. About existence various parallel worlds next to ours were also told by EINSTEIN and a number of other theoretical physicists, and there are currently many different hypotheses on this subject. But so far no one has managed prove the penetration of creatures and objects from other worlds, as well as from our world to another world.

But maybe such processes still occur and such do items exist? Something may fall from our world to another, and something to us from another. Obviously happening by unknown us reasons for “protrusion” (can be compared with inflated air ball) or “opening the portal”, and those objects that were nearby with an open portal, come to us. It can be fish and stones, and animals, and some objects of technical origin, in particular, iron silicide, zinc plate, etc.

With regard to “technical subjects”, the two-core believes what can exist in other worlds and developed civilizations, by the way, from where, most likely, UFOs appear. Possible existence “mirror” (as in a mirror) reflection of our civilization, located at about the same stage of development. And that means that there are the same cars, plants and factories, similar animals and such the same “mirror” Ivanovs, Petrovs … Just go to each other in guests we can’t due to lack of knowledge of how to open a portal.

Contrary to the laws of physics and chemistry

The vein had the opportunity to analyze a large number of different samples (over 300), of which 22 samples are very strange physiochemical properties. Most of them were discovered in Primorsky Territory on the northeastern coast in remote taiga places, which virtually eliminates their origin at the hands human – walked and dropped.

In 1978, a group of geologists discovered a metal plate on the mountain, where the road to the oil rig passed to the Krivoy river area near Dalnegorsk. One of the geologists, Felix POPOV, drew attention on a shiny metal lying 10 meters above the road stove. Four geologists tried to raise the slab and lower it down the slope to the car, but could not lift it. She weighed more than a hundred kg. AND it was not clear how she ended up there? The slope is steep, there are no roads.

Dalnegorsky ufologist managed to get a small piece from this plate and make analyzes, and as it turned out, the plate was zinc. There were very few impurities – a high degree of purification. But Dalpolimetal said that they get zinc from the Urals in small “pigs” and never in such plates, and besides zinc metal they never produced. The question arises: who put the stove on the slope of the mountain and at the same time with its “fall” there is no strong destruction soil, trees, shrubs on the slope? ..

Under the Golden Bridge lay …

In 2009, when drilling a well for the bridge at Cape Churkin in the bay The Golden Horn 150 meters from the coast with a depth of 18 meters a piece of blue glass was raised to the surface with soil. It was covered with thick black bark. Cork quickly became fall off in pieces, and a beautiful blue glass was exposed. Surface was covered with dimples characteristic of tektites and meteorites – regmagliptami. A wide variety of analyzes were performed.

The Two-Vein Initial Assumption: This is Tektite – space glass – perplexed due to its unusual properties. Its composition contains tridymite, characteristic of meteorites, and also “cosmic” ringwood and sinoit, the latter is found as in meteorites and in lunar soil. However, a lot of buts appeared … For some reason, the glass began to “sweat” with white salt, the scientist cleaned it repeatedly, but it again and again secreted salt. And when The twin-core began to melt it with a gas burner, it is without bubbles spread over the substrate, which clearly indicates – there is no water in it! And this means that no salt can be released!

Then, accidentally, the fragment was placed in ordinary fresh water, and a day later, its polished surface was covered with microexplosions – none of our glass can behave like this! Salt Analysis showed that it does not correspond to sea salt. There is only two compounds in the form of salt – beryl, known as precious stone, and the salt of the throne, which is found only in 2-3 lakes on the globe. Blue glass violates all the earthly laws of physics and chemistry! No falling cosmic glasses – tektites – so themselves can not lead! It’s obvious that they flew from another world-spaces where our laws of physics and chemistry do not work. Again the riddles of a parallel world!

A fragment of the outer skin of a fallen UFO in 1986 at a height of 611 near Dalnegorsk consists of ultra-pure molybdenum (100.00%), which turned out to be very magnetic, and point to our earth molybdenum permanent magnetization is almost impossible. But apparently in another world can be. Again violation of our laws physics!

Another phenomenon is the “clay meteorite” that broke glass window leaves on the 2nd floor in the center of the village. Kavalerovo in 2003. In it also found cosmic minerals – ringwood, moissanite. But on the conclusion of geologists, such clay in the Kavalerovsky area is not It is found, like there is no clay in the nearest courtyards. In the yard was played by a girl of about 8, who asked the owners of the apartment: “Who abandoned? “- replied:” Yes, there was no one here! I also heard the sound of broken glass. “Note that it was in the middle spring, when the soil was still frozen.

Having carefully examined the damage caused by falling glass and window frame, two-core concluded on the basis of ballistic examination that flat petrified piece of clay fell not from below, but from above, at a steep angle of 60 degrees! Nearest the house is 70 meters away. But where did it come from? “Clay meteorites “in nature does not happen. Again, the mysteries of parallel worlds.

Water Stones Bridges Parallel worlds Portals Chelyabinsk

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