A photo from open sources
The Pentagon believes that the killer satellites belonging to Russia pose a serious threat to American orbital vehicles in connection with what the US military is going to counter them.
Accusations of using killer satellites also come from France. Defense Minister Florence Parley said recently that Russian satellites monitor eight other spacecraft countries. The head of the Ministry of Defense also specified that such espionage engaged in the Luch-Olymp satellite, allegedly leaving “traces” of its activities on eight new satellites of foreign countries.
According to Parley, Russian satellites spied, after which just “burned” foreign spacecraft. US completely support this statement, while constantly asserting that Russia and China are rapidly militarizing space space. According to the Americans, fight with the Russian satellites need political and technological methods.
As a political method, a ban on approaching a satellite of other states to any US satellite on set distance, e.g. 50 kilometers.
As a second method, which is considered more complex, launching into orbit of satellites that would accompany most important spacecraft. Which method will be implemented, time will tell.
It is possible that technically Americans are not ready to go on the second way, as this will require serious financial infusion and conceptually new approach to development security satellites. The main thing is that they wouldn’t break firewood by unleashing fighting in outer space, because glitches in space occur quite often.
On the other hand, in order to do something, it is necessary provide evidence of Russian interference in the work foreign satellites, which apparently will not be done, and there will only be a political solution – sanctions. Then all it becomes clear, which is why all this noise.
Andrey Vetrov
Russia USA