The XMM-Newton telescope “caught” a black hole, giant planet devouring

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XMM-Newton European Orbital Telescope discovered in galaxy NGC 4845 in the constellation Virgo a giant black hole, devouring the remains of a large planet, “hot jupiter”, or a small brown dwarf, according to an article published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. “We were able for the first time track how a black hole tears an object apart, not similar in nature to a star. According to our estimates, only the outer layers of the “jupiter” were eaten by a black hole, which made planet “lose weight” by 10% of its mass. Apparently, the dense core the object still revolves around a black hole, “said Roland Walter from the Geneva Observatory (Switzerland). Astronomers group under the direction of Marek Nikolayuk from Bialystok University (Poland) discovered a “waking up” black hole in the center of a distant galaxies NGC 4845, analyzing data collected by orbital XMM-Newton and Swift observatories, as well as Japanese X-ray MAXI monitor aboard the International Space Station. Nikolayuk and his colleagues discovered an unusual black hole by accident – they studied the x-rays of neighboring galaxies in January 2011 year. During observations, astronomers noticed that part of the NGC 4845 shone brightly in the x-ray range, which was not observed in previous decades. Scientists are interested in this and in detail studied the x-ray flash point, its power and spectrum. It turned out that NGC 4845 became noticeable in x-ray due to the fact that a supermassive black hole at its center captured and tore into parts of a small and relatively cold object. Estimated astronomers, the mass of this object was 14-30 times the mass Jupiter, which allows us to consider it a large “hot Jupiter” or a small brown dwarf. As Nikolayuk and his colleagues suggest, the data they collected about the “lunch” of the black hole will help prepare for a similar event in the second half of 2013, when black a hole in the center of our Galaxy Sgr A * will absorb a large cloud gas.

Galaxy Telescope Black Hole Jupiter

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