They plan to send to space only women

Only women are planning to send into spacePhoto from open sources

And how is the situation in space … well, with this … sex? When in 1963 for the first time a representative of the planet appeared outside of our planet fair sex, this sensitive issue seriously took the minds of many earthlings.

Indeed, between heterosexual astronauts who are in close space in orbit, there must be a certain sexual tension – this is how a person works. And if on the ISS yet you can tolerate what to do the colonists who will fly to future to Mars and other planets? Will unofficial be allowed relations between crew members?

A photo from open sources

Suddenly it turned out that there was no “that” in space may not be. Former British astronaut Helen Sharman, speaking recently at the London New Scientist Science Festival Festival “, accidentally or intentionally revealed one important the secret regarding the upcoming expedition to the Red Planet. It turns out that in vain uninitiated minds intensely discuss prospects sex in space – scientists intend to deprive astronauts of such temptations.

Why are women astronauts better than men?

It turns out that NASA and the European Space Agency have long been concluded that sexual relations between astronauts during the time of such expeditions is unacceptable, since they will be fraught conflicts and, most importantly, pregnancy. Also man in such a situation will not be able to think clearly. It will be necessary to think only about fulfilling a mission, not about romance.

A photo from open sources

To eliminate sex between explorers, NASA and ESA scientists decided to send a same-sex crew to the Red Planet. Good thinking, experts came to the conclusion that the astronauts should be women of traditional orientation. Ladies, according to Sharman, how usually executive, hardworking and non-conflict. They are able work harmoniously in a team and do not have the habit of fighting for leadership. In addition, the fairer sex is less suffer from a lack of sex, allowing them to remain clear thinking.

Remember the sci-fi novel “The Andromeda Strain”, in which states that unmarried men take in difficult situations the right decision is much more common than other people? American scientists recently conducted a study and determined that heterosexual women in the collective have the same quality, entirely composed of them. And this is reality, unlike the famous works of Michael Crichton.

Is there really no place for intimacy in space?

Hundreds of men and dozens of women flew into space, but none of those who left Earth on shuttles and space stations are not reported making space in love. Even Americans Mark Lee and Jen Davis, who became the first husband and wife in 1992 in one the spaceship were not admitted to something like that. Or sex really not in orbit, or similar information is hidden from curious public.

A photo from open sources

Meanwhile, many scientists note that sexual relations in outer space is very difficult. The thing is that in the absence of Gravity blood is poorly directed to the lower body. In other words, a man will achieve a full erection. almost impossible. Instead, blood rushes more to the astronaut’s head and neck – that’s why astronauts the face swells in orbit and the veins in the necks swell.

However, several years ago, one of the representatives the American National Space Agency reported that an official ban on making love outside of our there is no “blue ball”. NASA management simply believes that astronauts themselves must understand that they should behave in the ship decently and not give in to instincts. Still, they are on service, and the service should work, and not indulge in love joys.


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