Photo from open sources
Unknown amateur astronomer claims his powerful camera captured an unusual phenomenon near the moon. On the night of April 22, he shot natural satellite of the earth, and into the lens of his device unexpectedly hit three mysterious shadows flying against the background of Selena. Turning on the video below, you can see them at the mark 1:18. Intriguing footage quickly scattered across the World Wide Web, riveting the attention of specialists and ordinary inhabitants.
A photo from open sources
Of course, most Internet users felt that we are talking about the three alien ships. Other commentators decided that they were witches (until Walpurgis night, they say, remained just a week, are already going to slowly or are training) or even ghosts. Third Network regulars tried to find what happened rational, not supernatural explanation. They suggest that somewhere between the moon and the astronomer’s camera, birds could fly, orbiting satellites or asteroids are finally just gel balls released by one of the fans of nightly adventure-entertainment nearby
And what is the nature of these mysterious objects on the background of the night moon with your point of view? After all, this cannot be a simple defect. shooting and even more so fake. By the way, as statistics show, astronomers are the most honest people, although they are always mistaken in their conclusions and forecasts …