Three years later, Russia will begin to build its orbital station

A photo from open sources

The new station will be geometrically profitable. location with the possibility of an expanded sector of the field of view of the surface Of the earth. From the station, up to 90 percent of the territory of Russia and Arctic shelf, and for the ISS this indicator does not exceed 5 percent.

A photo from open sources

Russia will begin in 2017 with the deployment of its own orbital space station, part of it can be used modules previously intended for the Russian segment International Space Station (ISS), a newspaper writes on Monday. Kommersant, citing a source close to the leadership Central Research Institute mechanical engineering.

“The new station will be geometrically beneficial location with the possibility of an expanded sector of the field of view of the surface Of the earth. From the station, up to 90% of the territory of Russia and Arctic shelf, and for the ISS this indicator does not exceed 5%, “- quoted edition source words.

According to him, the amount of costs has not yet been determined. In the initial as the newspaper writes, it’s planned to use modules and devices developed for the ISS Russian segment. Despite on this, speeches on early termination of work on the ISS, according to sources of the newspaper does not go.

“The initial configuration will be based on multipurpose laboratory and nodal modules, space apparatus “OKA-T”. The operation of the station will be provided by Soyuz-MS ships and “Progress-MS”, and in the period 2020-2024, development is possible energy and transformable modules used in the lunar program, “- said the source.

According to the source, one of the main tasks of the station will be flight tests of manned lunar means infrastructure, that is, it will act as a “bridgehead”, so as planned, that special devices will first be delivered to the station, and then follow to the moon.

According to the publication, the launch into orbit of the Russian high-latitude the orbital station is one of the key project proposals the development of manned space exploration for the period until 2050.

Arctic Moon ISS Russia

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