Photo from open sources
At the moment in the Alps – the longest and highest the ridge of Europe – an expedition is carried out that sets their goal is to train astronauts to wear heavy spacesuits, to walk in them over the icy surface and shield yourself from various microorganisms.
The authors of the project chose this area not by chance – conditions in which future space explorers are on the glacier, reliably imitate the situation that will meet astronauts on the Red Planet. The head of the expedition, Gernot Gremer, who is an employee of the Austrian Space Forum, told reporters that such training will be very productive for those who fly in the future explore Mars.
As you know, water on Mars has disappeared for about three million years back, and since then on the surface of the Red Planet can only be found ice cubes with sand and stones. On the Alpine Kaunertal Glacier astronauts will train on a similar surface. Training allegedly take only two weeks. They will pass under control of a hundred scientists from twenty countries of the world. After future explorers of Mars will fulfill the tasks, you can will judge the level of their willingness to fly to Krasnaya the planet.
Gernot Gremer also said that this event is very important for astrobiologists. If bacteria are found on Mars, they are in no way case cannot be brought to Earth. Training in the Alps should allow various preventative measures of this kind to be experienced incidents.