A photo from open sources
Virtual archaeologists constantly find in the images of Mars some artifacts, for example, the remains of statues, dishes, details from alleged mechanisms, not to mention the pyramids and others the ruins of former buildings. This gives the impression that on Red planet still had life, and not some primitive, but a highly developed civilization flourished, from which today there are only “fragments of former greatness.”
Today we’ll talk about finds related to statues and burials because the famous ufologist Scott Waring again discovered on Mars something very similar to the Egyptian sarcophagi Pharaohs (see photos and videos). Indefatigable Taiwanese the researcher immediately makes the most daring in his manner assumption: Martians once descended to Earth, and it was they were gods and pharaohs for the people of ancient Egypt.
Note that this theory is not new, in particular in terms of the fact that Egypt of that time was perhaps the most suitable for Martians, why they chose it as their place of deployment. Or even a place last stay on earth.
A photo from open sources
This follows from the findings of virtual archaeologists who they made on the basis of many other finds on the Red Planet, for example, this is the burial of a Martian with a cross, a tomb, very similar to Japanese Kofun, and so on. Today ufologists even remembered the figure of a Martian, very reminiscent of the legendary earth Amazon. But who knows, maybe the Amazons flew to us with Mars? ..
Note that the most sober Internet users are very skeptical of such finds, and Scott Waring himself consider “an incorrigible dreamer”, but note that the site Taiwanese ufologist is very popular, and all Scott’s materials are instantly “overgrown” with enthusiastic comments.
And how to explain all this? ..
Egypt Life Mars Scott Waring Pharaohs