A photo from open sources
And although today every sane person who follows cosmic events, realizes that the Americans simply could not fly to the moon in the sixties of the last century when it problematic even today with a higher level of modern Technology, statement by US Presidential Advisor on Science David Gelernther that this was the biggest fraud and most great stupidity in the history of mankind can convince many finally in this truth.
David Gelerntert is an acting professor at Yale University and Trump’s current science adviser. According to him, the Americans even today they cannot normally film a spaceship from cosmic radiation, and therefore, overcoming the Van Allen belt, any astronaut will simply die, how could this be realized “Mission Apollo”? This is as stupid as global warming, finger-drawn idea for political and economic benefits a certain circle of people.
A photo from open sources
And therefore, another no less crazy idea, that by 2030 Americans will land on Mars, the same utopian and adventurous, with on the one hand, confusing earthlings, and on the other – allowing it’s good for someone to make money on this. That’s all!
By the way, if we talk about the flights of Americans to the moon, then during “Apollo Missions,” David continues, Sun activity was at its peak, how the hell could we send people to the far space in those devices made almost of foil? Answer very simple: this was not and could not be, and everything else – the mystification of pure water.
We will clarify that last year David Gelernther magazine named among the hundred most influential people of the twenty-first century, while emphasizing that this is not just outstanding, but simply brilliant scientist. And from the lips of this genius today sounded characteristic of the lunar odyssey of the USA. Unpleasant, of course, for citizens America, but what can you do? You are my compatriots, could add to this a prominent scholar with the words of Aristotle, but the truth more expensive…
Donald Trump Moon USA