Tunguska explosion, which one morning in 1908 killed in Siberia is a huge forest, may not have space, but earthly origin. The mysterious explosion did not leave the crater. However taiga on an area of more than 2100 square kilometers is scorched and Most scientists believe that the disaster happened not without the participation of a certain celestial body that exploded at the height of several kilometers above the surface of the earth. In their opinion, a controversial issue whether it was a fragment of a comet or a meteorite. Meteorite in the artist’s view Photos from open sources There is no agreement about some still unexplained phenomena, for example, no one succeeded find not even the smallest fragment of a fallen object Wolfgang Kundt, astrophysicist from the University of Bonn in Germany, emphasizes “If specialists cannot agree already almost a hundred years, then the truth is somewhere else. “At a conference on catastrophes in London, which took place at the beginning September, the German said that we can talk about a gas explosion high pressure. The sharp release of ten million tons of methane is quite capable of causing damage similar to a collision with a celestial body. According to him, the gas rose to a height of two hundred kilometers. He is there exploded, and the shock wave swept the trees. Passing through the ground, gas scored an electrostatic charge. And after a few hours in a charged cloud hit a lightning discharge, turning it into huge ball lightning. This theory allows us to explain eyewitness accounts who observed a bright night sky in front of event in the Podkamennaya Tunguska river basin and several days after him. Kundt says that at an altitude of 500 kilometers a cloud methane could create ice crystals that reflect at night sunlight. Researchers once recorded in Siberia emission of radon gas, which lasted four hours. It means, that other volcanic gases will accumulate beneath the earth’s surface. After all, the disaster area is located in the center of the ancient zone volcanic activity. Fallen trees in the river basin Podkamennaya Tunguska.
Photos from open sources Vladimir Epifanov, a geologist from the Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy proposed a similar hypothesis at a recent conference in Moscow. He pays attention that in the immediate vicinity of the center of the explosion, the trees were not burned as gas escaping from the bowels of the earth quickly lost pressure. Gas exploded earlier, but not on such a large scale. 1994 in Kando, Spain, an explosion also knocked down a mass of trees up to 20 meters high, forming a shallow crater believed that a meteorite fell, but then the version of the gas emission was proven. True, in the disaster of 1908 there is one strange fact, which no theory can explain. Geologists dating soil in the Podkamennaya Tunguska river basin on carbon method, an abnormally high carbon-14 content was found. Such that they suspected a later date for the incident. Similar phenomena occur only in two cases when nuclear tests or some kind of powerful engine explodes. “It aliens crashed, “jokes geologist Lara Franzen, who took samples at the scene of the event, Nikola Jones.