Two asteroids, in addition to Apophis, threaten The earth

In addition to the asteroid Apophis, two more threat to the Earth large asteroids whose orbit may need to be changed, to avoid a collision, said the president of the Space Rocket Energy Corporation Vitaliy Lopota. Photos from open sources “In addition to the famous Apophis, there is still two large asteroids whose trajectories intersect with the orbit Earth and with which in the next few decades, according to calculations scientists, there is, albeit extremely small, the probability of a collision. What in In this case, it can happen to the Earth, there is no need to explain: a global catastrophe, “he said in an interview, published in the “Russian newspaper” on Friday. To prevent a threat, we need a launch vehicle with a carrying capacity of about 70 tons, which will lead to the trajectory of interception of the asteroid space an apparatus capable of changing the trajectory of its movement, said V. Lopota. “It can be assumed that space tugboats with a nuclear or solar power plant, which will be able to using electric propulsion engines deliver to the asteroid appropriate means and energy that can change it orbit. Most likely, it will be a thermonuclear charge, “- said he. A launch vehicle with a payload of about 70 tons can come in handy for solving purely peaceful tasks of developing far of space. “For example, launch vehicles with a carrying capacity of 65-75 tons for deep space exploration can be done on engines class RD-171 for 3-5 years, “he said. Now these engines used in Zenit-3SL missiles, which is used on projects Sea Launch and Land Launch. “These are RD-171 engines production of “Energomash”. We call them “king of the engines.” Exactly these engines in the coming decades can determine competitiveness of our launch vehicles. Similar no country possesses engines, “said V. Lopota.


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