Tyuhe – the ninth planet?

Tyuche - the ninth planet?A photo from open sources

If you’re still in school, you’re used to The solar system has nine planets, the news of the exclusion of Pluto from this noble series could be an unpleasant surprise for you. But do not rush to grieve: most likely, there are still nine planets. At scientists have a candidate for an empty vacancy – a mysterious Planet Tuche. Clouds – Blond Horses It is believed that some distance from Pluto around our solar system there is a sphere – a cloud that extends about one light year. It is called the Oort cloud and consists of gas, ice and debris. the material from which our solar system was created. By generally accepted version, from time to time the Oort cloud sends us hi – in the form of comets, asteroids and meteorites that circulate through the solar system and sometimes fall on planets, leaving giant craters. Including on Earth. The sphere has a double shell – a spherical outer cloud and an inner cloud in the form of a disk. Exactly there, in its depths, comets and asteroids, consisting of ammonia, water and methane vapors. Under influence of gravitational forces, these fidgets leave the bowels of the sphere and “cross” into an external cloud, from where they fly apart in different directions. Not it is possible that such a notorious Chelyabinsk meteorite once also was “registered” in the Oort cloud. At least as scientists say it’s 4.6 billion years old – just like other objects in the Oort cloud. Then, almost five billion years ago, a meteorite was part of a giant protoplanetary disk rotating around the sun. But for a long time “sit out” in a warm place near by our luminary drive failed. Over time under the influence gravity from younger giant planets such as Jupiter and Saturn, the disk fell apart and flew away God knows where. About half of the disk objects formed an Oort cloud, a quarter found herself in the orbit of Jupiter, another quarter were thrown into hyperbolic orbits. Perhaps somewhere in the backyards of our Solar system giant pieces of a former protoplanetary disk are moving back and forth now: from Jupiter’s orbit – into the Oort cloud and vice versa. But what, apart from the aforementioned Jupiter, makes comet babies leave their historic homeland? Mister X American astronomers from the University of Louisiana John Matiz and Daniel Whitmire back in 1999 suggested: for sure, in the mysterious the depths of space there is a certain object, which makes comets embark on a journey. They published an article in which they wrote in black and white that, according to their calculations, in the Oort cloud hiding a certain object – a planet that they called Tyuche (goddess chance and good luck in ancient Greek mythology). So on space a new hero appeared in the foreground. The theory was good for everyone, for a small exception. No data on the impact on our famous of the planet, on the Sun, nor the confirmation of astronomical observatories about there was no observation of an unknown object. But the theory is so good explained the nature of the appearance of comets in the solar system that sin was to refuse it. However, she added mysteries to scientists. If such an object exists, then, as the mysterious Mr. X, he hides his “face” behind a dark mask – does not allow anyone to recognize himself powerful telescope in the world. Matiz and Whitmire did not give up: new A planet is a gas giant that barely reflects light. After all if it is not, then what causes the comets to change the circular orbit in Oort cloud on an elongated, elliptical, so sooner or later to break away from their roots and go into free swimming? Circuit which was drawn by American astronomers, looked like this: capturing by its attraction a block of ice and gas in the Oort cloud, Tyuc gravity attracts her, and then the laws of celestial mechanics come into play. A block of ice, circling a mysterious stranger, flies out of a sling, having received rapid acceleration. By the way, now it’s for this scheme fly by the solar system man-launched vehicles Pioneer 11, Voyagers 1 and 2. Their path through space was laid so that, using the gravity of the planets, the devices received additional acceleration and flew away to the next object. So step by step Voyager 1 reached the edge of the solar system and is now at its frontiers. A little more, and the probe will enter the zone of deep space. Here what simple gravity does with space objects! IN infrared light The object of the hunt of astronomers – Tyuche – weighs in two to four times the size of Jupiter. It is located somewhere in the outer the shell of the Oort cloud – 15 thousand times farther from the Sun than the Earth and 375 times further than Pluto. Tuche consists mainly of helium and hydrogen and has an atmosphere similar to that of Jupiter. Tuche can to be companions. Scientists suggest that the temperature on the planet is approximately minus 73 degrees. Tyuhe used to be much warmer, and if before people had such powerful telescopes, as now, it could be noticed. But now her temperature greatly decreased, but there is a chance to see Tyuche: it cools down very slowly, because gas giants of similar sizes lose temperature slowly. Which means she has infrared radiation. The fact is that with such dimensions, and, therefore, monstrous pressure in the heart of the planet processes must occur, that will warm her up. Like it or not, but its temperature The surface will be higher than the ambient temperature. If you are lucky (and the name Tyuche gives a chance to hope for the best!), Then the temperature can be all minus 70, and this is the temperature freezing of carbon dioxide. Tyukhe and Nibiru Astronomers have not yet in a hurry with conclusions: data from satellites and astrolaboratory, space telescopes and interplanetary stations are not decrypted one month and not one year. The main thing is to eliminate mistakes and not to start in pursuit of cheap sensationalism. But if using WISE space telescope will be able to get the appropriate data, then the theory of American astronomers is fully confirmed, giving an answer not only about the origin of comets, but also that our The solar system incorporates another planet or extinct star. Another question: is the planet Tyuche the most mysterious planet Nibiru, which unsuccessfully tried to find long years? What horrors were not attributed to Nibiru! As if it moves towards the Earth and eventually will cause on our planet monstrous disasters … Experts are in a hurry to reassure the public. Even if Tyuhe and Nibiru end up being the same by the cosmic body, then, according to the laws of the solar system, its orbit, as and our other planets, it will be very close to circular. So that talk about how such a massive cosmic body suddenly breaks from its place and flies “wrong” just silly. Andrew PALCO

Time Gravity Nibiru Pluto Sun Solar System Telescope Jupiter

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