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The Government of the United Arab Emirates has stated that by 2117, the Middle East state will erect on the Red Planet a real metropolis with an area of Chicago and a population of up to six hundred thousands of people. Of course, such an undertaking looks absolutely fantastic and impossible, but if someone on Earth and there is a modest chance to bring it to life, it is the Arab Emirates.
Greatness of the UAE
Just imagine: forty years ago, Dubai represented a tiny fishing village with wretched roads, only sprinkled with gravel, and today it is the largest, most modern and futuristic city amazing in its unique structures the planet. Small area and inexhaustible oil reserves allow UAE to implement the most ambitious and ambitious projects. Innovation is found here at every step. For instance, Dubai’s famous skyscrapers are so tall that in the case of fires in them firemen move upwards by means of rocket satchels.
A photo from open sources
On Tuesday, February 14, in Dubai, the World government summit. During this event, the Emir of Dubai and the country’s vice president made an incredible statement. Mohammed Ibn Rashid al Maktoum reports that the United Arab Emirates intend to create in the next century a real city on Mars. According to him, this is an alien dwarf state will be the first step of humanity towards the colonization of others celestial bodies of the solar system. This project is designed to unite our civilization and open up completely new horizons for it.
A project called “Mars 2117” has already started. Its details so far were not disclosed, but it is known that local experts started planning the Martian metropolis.
Is Emirates capable of exploring Mars?
Recall that the Emirates Space Agency was created completely recently: in 2014. In 2021, it is going to be sent to Red planet Hope orbiter – “Hope”. However, not the fact that the Arabs really succeed. Mars exploration, as history shows, not everyone can handle it. So far only the Americans managed to successfully land their faraway heavenly body probe. The Russian Federation and the European Union have also taken a similar attempt, but nothing good came of it.
A photo from open sources
Many world scientists look at the idea of Arabs with one hundred percent skepticism. Martian colonists will undoubtedly need renewable resources and necessary infrastructure, about which today can only be read in science fiction works. Not so far the problem has been solved (and this is above all) to maintain health person outside the Earth, its beneficial effects on our body in generally, since he even in the orbit of the planet (on the ISS) begins, roughly saying to fall apart.
A photo from open sources
In addition, do not forget that the UAE lives and thrives only thanks to oil exports. That is, this state, roughly speaking, buys all material and intellectual goods from the rest planets without producing their own. Experts predict that in the future humanity will certainly abandon hydrocarbon fuel, switching to alternative energy sources. If it really is happen in the next hundred years, the United Arab Emirates will no longer be up to Mars.