Ufologist found a brick in a photograph from Mars

The Ufologist found a brick in a photograph from MarsPhotos from open sources of

Taiwanese ufologist Scott Waring is convinced that American national space agency intentionally complicates work to independent researchers like him, discoloring the images of Mars and making them plain. In fact, the landscape of the Red Planet, they say, similar to terrestrial deserts and boasts comparative a variety of colors, including the blue sky (see video below).

For this reason, says Waring, enthusiasts, these tireless online archaeologists can search for Martian artifacts by targeting exclusively on their form.

It was this technique that Scott himself followed when he discovered on the other day another Martian anomaly. According to the researcher, he noticed on a random picture of the Red Planet … standing upright brick! It would seem quite a common sight for the Earth, however where does the brick come from on a distant celestial body, where, if you believe an orthodox scientist, has never the foot of a rational being? Waring has no doubt that his find has man-made origin. Judge for yourself: what are the chances that nature will create a piece of rock in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped? Obviously, they tend to zero.

By the way, such artifacts were not discovered on Mars for the first time. On the shots taken by the Curiosity rover, meticulous virtuals even found brickwork (see video below), however this few convinced skeptics and did not force employees NASA recognize the obvious: the Red Planet once existed intelligent life, like earthly (if you do not push off even more the bold theory that it was from Mars that humans descended to Earth).

By the way, we add that on Mars, objects similar to insectoids and humanoids, fragments of statues and ruins of buildings, weapons and tools, like many other things that may well serve indirect evidence of the existence here once highly developed civilization.

The Taiwanese himself is convinced that today he showed the world something that can turn the idea of ​​Mars even among the ardent skeptics. This time, they say, they can’t talk about pareidolic illusions, optical illusions or defective shooting. Somewhere on the Red Planet lies a perfectly smooth brick, and you can only guess where he came from there …

Ancient artifacts Mars Scott Waring

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