Ufologists have discovered an abandoned base on Pluto aliens

Ufologists have discovered an abandoned base of aliens on PlutoA photo from open sources

Virtual explorers of all the unusual constantly find evidence of the presence of aliens in our solar system, and, in their opinion, the aliens chose not only the Moon and Mars, but also other planets.

So, in the pictures of Pluto, sent from the space probe “New Horizons “two years ago, meticulous ufologists saw some fantastic objects that can only be man-made then there are built humanoids.

A photo from open sources

On the frozen lifeless plateau “Sputnik Plain”, as it turned out that some buildings are clearly visible, moreover they clearly connected by dear. For virtual archaeologists, it has become sensational find. That’s what they write on the ToDay News resource. Ufa:

We are interested in the surface area of ​​Pluto, completely covered with ice with dimensions of 800 by 1050 kilometers. It seems to be a completely dead plateau, however looking through a kilometer beyond kilometer of this icy desert, we suddenly discovered very strange objects, studying which at high magnification, you understand that their created here by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. It is very similar to the base of aliens, and already abandoned, because there are roads leading to “nowhere”, and therefore we can conclude: this place long abandoned. Perhaps, for this reason, it is also heavily “destroyed” severe frosts prevailing on Pluto.

Orthodox scholars believe that ufologists, as always exaggerating, looking for aliens everywhere. In fact, both roads and the so-called alien base are the natural landscape of the ice planet, and the “strange objects” are not more than the effects of foaming rocks.

It is said that truth is born in disputes. I wonder what she is. this truth, if we assume that the opponents of the dispute in this case are both wrong? And if both are right? ..


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