Unexplained Discovered in Solar System heavenly body

An unexplained celestial body was discovered in the solar system.A photo from open sources

It would seem that astronomers have studied our Solar up and down system, having long since discovered all the celestial bodies in it. Of course, to us sometimes fly asteroids, meteorites and other objects of space origin, however, these are just guests who drop by here only for a while. And who would have thought that in the solar the system still has bodies, the existence of which scientists before did not even guess?

So, beyond Neptune – the eighth and farthest from Helios the celestial body of the solar system – recently discovered a mysterious an object that, thanks to its inexplicable behavior, is already got the name Nick. Translated from Chinese, this means “rebellious”. Niku rotates in a plane tilted with respect to planets of our planetary system a hundred and ten degrees that almost perpendicular to the rotation of the Earth and other celestial bodies around the sun.

Another unusual feature of the newfound space the object is that it rotates to the side, the opposite side of rotation of any other planets in the solar system. Niku has a diameter of only two hundred kilometers and emits light is a hundred and sixty thousand times dimmer than the radiation of Neptune.

A photo from open sources

International astronomers group that made this amazing discovery, observed Nick twenty-two times, using consisting of four powerful telescopes Pan-STARRS system. Scientists are not in able to explain what this object is and why it is so behaving leads. In theory, it could be a huge spaceship aliens, dwarf planet or asteroid, for some reason acquired a trajectory of rotation. In other words, explain exotic orbit of the celestial body astronomers can not yet.

However, scientists are very enthusiastic about studying Nick and hope in the near future to determine what really they are dealing.

Neptune Solar System

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