Unknown force sucks from galaxies a life

An unknown force sucks life from galaxiesPhoto from open sources

A group of Australian astronomers are now observing a very a strange and at the same time sinister phenomenon. Scientists report that according of the entire universe at the moment, life is literally draining from galaxies.

It happens all over the space, and the staff of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research is trying to identify the mysterious “killer” of extremely distant astronomical objects. And is such a bleak fate threatening our Milky Way?

Using the observatories of Sloan’s Digital Sky Survey, Australian experts have studied more than eleven thousand galaxies. According to astronomers, we can talk about the so-called “tidal peeling, “during which strangulation takes place, that is, from galaxies fading gas. Observations of scientists indicate that this phenomenon can occur in the universe much more often than previously thought. The volatilization of hydrogen is essentially fast. the death of galaxies, since they cannot form without gas new stars.

A photo from open sources

However, nothing happens just like that, and experts are trying to find the culprit of this “crime of an intergalactic scale”. It is assumed that we are talking about dark matter – mysterious substance, which, according to scientists, is not less than twenty-seven percent of the entire mass of the universe. It is believed that dark matter is not emits electromagnetic radiation and does not interact with it, making this substance impossible to see.

Study author Toby Brown reports that during cycles of any galaxy through it can go through various sizes halos, states of dark matter. The mass of these halos may thousand times the mass of the Milky Way. Between them is located intergalactic superheated plasma, which sucks for by means of tidal stripping all the gas from galaxies. This process can occur both inside large and inside small galactic groups. Thus, from a similar misfortune in No one is safe from the universe, including our Milky Way.

Unfortunately, without the most advanced equipment, this The phenomenon is impossible. However, the researchers recommend not to be upset, because in a few years we are expected to more impressive sight. According to scientists, then in 2022 in the constellation Cygnus will collide stars, as a result which a supernova will form and a colossal will be released amount of energy and light. At this moment, the night sky on Earth will change dramatically, and this cosmic spectacle will be available to everyone to the inhabitants of our planet.

A photo from open sources

Australia Universe Galaxy Life Milky Way

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