Unusual planet discovered on which one a year lasts up to 200 earth years

An unusual planet has been discovered on which one year lasts up to 200 Earth years.A photo from open sources

Most recently, scientists discovered 100 light-years away from our planet a space object called HR 5183 b. Scientists consider the planet truly unique, as previously such cosmic bodies have not been encountered in their practice. Report This discovery was published in the Astronomical Journal.

Interestingly, one revolution around the star is a cosmic body commits in 90-200 years (astronomers will have accurate information specify). Most of the time the planet moves around the outskirts star system, periodically gaining acceleration to accomplish the next round.

According to researchers, if in our solar system if there was a similar cosmic body, then it would move under the influence of Neptune in the asteroid belt – between Jupiter and Mars.

As a rule, planets far from the star have circular orbit. In our case, the object has an elliptical orbit, which indicates the atypical evolution of this cosmic body.

Researchers suggest that discovered planet HR 5183 b could form due to a collision with another space body, because of which she received an elliptical orbit. Will be hope that scientists will get more information about this object and its origin.

ESOREITER previously talked about how scientists unravel the mysteries of origin planets. According to scientists, it is the sun that gives birth to planets, not they appear as a result of the concentration of dust masses.

Andrey Vetrov

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